
Nikon Lens Filter Question?

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i'm looking to buy a UV filter for my nikon 18-200 lens, but when looking online, there's a bunch of different measurements- like 49mm, 55mm, etc. So which should i buy? and are there any filters that would work on my fisheye?




  1. the filter size should be right on the lens, on most Nikkor lenses it's on the bottom of the lens, it looks like an oval with a diagonal line flowing through it. When it comes to your lens, the 18-200mm lens, it takes a 72mm filter, which is quite big, you should get a filter like this:

    at least, get this one, it's a UV filter, that's a must in my opinion. You should also looks at some polarizers ( circular ones if you can get them)

  2. As stated above, the filter size is listed on the lens.  Look for a circle with a line through it and a number.  That is the filter size.

    Fisheyes because of the nature of the front element, has filters that mount at the lenses rear.  So there is no way to protect them with a filter .. you just have to be very careful

  3. It will take 72 mm filter

  4. the ring around the lens will tell you the size you need. all threads are the same, diameters are not. FYI 55mm is for a "normal"  Nikkor lens.

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