
Nikon d40 when is there gunna be a replacement?

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i brought a nikon d40 about 1 month ago. I know the camera has been out for ages so when is the replacement due and what is it called?




  1. The D40x is the new version. The D60 is really an upgrade of the D40x so it really should just be called the D40xx. Your D40 is still good though. :)

  2. Actually the D40 has only been out a few years, It was introduced in Nov 06 in time for christmas sales. Now for digital and electronics that can seem like a long time but its still a great camera. As to replacements. Nikon has already introduced the D40 X ( March 2007) and the D60 ( Jan 08)  both of which are geared to the same market group as the D40 and could be termed replacements for it

  3. You can still use your camera for years, before you need something more new.

  4. Yeah, the D40x and the D60 are the replacements. However, the D40 is so popular that Nikon still sells it.

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