
Nintendo Wii- brothers birthday

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My brother's birthday is in a few days and my parents are getting him a Wii.

What should I get him?

I'm thinking about getting him a controller and maybe a cheap/good game?

Or should I get him a cooling pad or charger or case or something?

Please help me out/give me some game recommendations?

(I will pick best answer)

Thank you in advance!




  1. it all really depends on how old he is. wii fit is a good game for all ages. if he has a ps2 does he have rockband? think about the fun things for his age. if her is 12 like me he would most likely want video games.

  2. Don't get him a cooling pad, charger, or a case.  All of those products are unnecessary.

    As a starter game, I suggest buying "Wii Play".  It's also made by Nintendo, and it comes with a free controller.  The Wii already comes with 1 controller, so by getting Wii Play, you'll have two controllers so both of you can play together.

    It really depends on how old your brother is and what kind of games he's interested in, when it comes to other games.  All gamers are different.  You can always go to a local rental shop like Blockbuster and rent games to try them out before you buy them.  It's a cheaper alternative, and a great way to try a little bit of everything!

    Hope your brother has a happy birthday! :)

  3. We've had our Wii since the launch, and I have 5 kids (including one your brother's age - and one your age:-).  The most popular games here have been MarioKart, Wii Sports, Wii Fit, and Driver (which your parents might not be too fond of).  We have Wii play but never use it.  In my opinion go with getting him an extra controller.  You don't necessarily need to get the controller and the nunchuck - we mostly just use the controllers without the nunchuck.  The other reason for this is because Wii sports comes with the system, and you are definitely going to want to have two players for that (family competition is half the fun:-).  I would definitely agree with the other poster about renting games before buying them.  Wii games can be spotty -- a few are really great, but a lot of them aren't good for the long haul (we still use our Xbox 360 for most games - Halo, Call of Duty, NBA sports, etc).

  4. If you have online access, you could buy him some Wii points on Wii points cards, they sell them at game stores like EB Games or Gamestop, etc.  

    It's points to where he can go online through the Wii and buy a lot of nintendo games.  Hope this helps.

  5. extra controllers are always great, just makesure you get both pieces of it, makes it more fun when playing with friends. Cheap games, dont know which are good, but a good game over all is the Smash Bros game. Go to gamestop and buy it used if moneys an issue, but that game is tons of fun

  6. Entertainment-

  7. I think you ought to get an extra WII remote in case he wants to play two player on something. (Also, he may ask you to play).

    Also, get him a charger so he won't constantly need batteries and having to wait to go to the shops to get some more.

  8. get him what you think will last longer and h**l like a lot

  9. (: Mario Kart tends to be a Nintendo fan favorite.

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