
Nintendo ds question ?

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is there a game about rats on ds




  1. RATATOUIE. i dont quite know how to spell it tho...

  2. Ratoutille the game based on the movie, and "Ratz" a take home rats and look after them. Ok, I don't really like rats, but I wanted to bag a few points. Lol. Hope it helps.

  3. ratatoille

  4. ratatouille

  5. ratatouille?

  6. Ratatoutille: Food Frenzy is a number one rat game if you like cooking. The game has many challenges. And you could also look up the (enter animal name here)'z collection, for instance rat'z. Some people say there is one of those....Let me give a discreption. Ratatoutille: Food Frenzy is a game with puzzles, challenges and mazes of course under puzzles. As in the movie, it has cooking of course with Remy and linguini. There is another game which is the normal version, just plain old ratatoutille.  

  7. yes there are loads some are cartoons and some are like look after a rat a cartoon one is ratatoulie

  8. I think the only one is ratatoille, but not sure.

  9. There is ratatouille, the game of the pixar film about the chef rat.
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