
Nipple color changing.?

by Guest67100  |  earlier

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So before my nipple color was the same as my sink. really really light.

And now its a light brown color.

Is that all they are going to change?




  1. Going to change its normal

  2. It's normal. They might get darker, bigger, etc. I know mine have changed a lot.

  3. They will never be as light again (they will lighten up with time after baby).  Welcome to mother hood.

  4. Mine are almost black and they started out being really really light pink.  Just part of the fun of pregnancy!

  5. Mine where slightly darker than my skin colour (slightly tanned naturally) and are now nearly black lol!

  6. mine are like a dark brown!

  7. have you had your baby yet? they can get darker after you have the baby, it all depends on your hormones.

  8. Every woman is different.  Some pregnant woman have major breast changes and some don't.  But yours might never change much, or wait til your deliver and go through a major change.  

  9. Durning pregnancy your body goes through so many changes, most likely they will stay that colour or may darken more.

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