
Nipples after pregnancy dilemma!?

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after i had my daughter my flat nipple popped out and my other one became severly inverted. has this ever happend to you? has anyone ever reacted badly when they saw them? should i mention something before i take my bra off? my breast became jacked up after nursing so now i am a little self consicous, okay so they arent that bad but they arent what they used to be, and i am now finally getting back into the whole dating scene.




  1. it always makes me feel better when i point out certain things like my tummy after having two full term pregnancies. all scared up and flabby..ugh!

    my nips seemed to have just remain a lil on the darker side.

  2. mine did.... just massage, and some exercises to get them back as close to what they used to be as possible... breastfeeding takes alot out of them. no one's ever said anything about them to me... my husband said i was getting "African t*ts"... i called him a chauvinistic pig, said in Africa, b*****s like that were considered a sign of true beauty... told him to grow up, wake up, oh, and i wouldn't let him near me for AGES.... suddenly, I'm the most beautiful woman in the world... bottom line... looks aren't everything... be proud of who you are, and what you have... and good luck with the dating scene  :)

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