
Nissan.... Check engine light.... Help please?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 97 Nissan Sentra and the check engine light is coming on.

What should i do?

I used to have a Dodge Neon and there was some kind of procedure u did to get codes that tell u whats wrong...

Does this car have a feature like that? Or no?

If not, how do i go about fixing the problem and getting the light to stop coming on?





  1. kelly please tell me one thing that could ruin the engine because the check light came on? Maybe if the car is running horrible but I think we can assume since all that is stated here is that the light on that it is running fine. It is not a bad thing to pop the hod and check the fluids once and a while but this is not the curent issue.

    Most local parts places scan for free. Our local one that is know for it is AutoZone. Get it scaned. They will tell you the code number and the problem. Come back and ask another question once you find out the info. If you go to a repair shop they may charge $20 to scan it. If you go to the dealer for some crazy reason they will charge a hour minimum which could be $100.

  2. go to autozone they will read the code for free and tell you what is wrong with it but before u do make sure ur gas cap is tighted past 3 clicks

    alot of times a lose seal round the gas cap will set it off

  3. You have to go get the codes read by a scan tool. Since your car is a 97', it is OBD2 which requires a scan tool that plugs in under you steering wheel.

  4. first thing is stop what your doing and open the hood and start checking the fluids as like oil coolant brake fluids so you kno wyou have them first.. dont drive anywhere but to the side of the road and out of the way smart thing to do.. after you have check the fluids and al are ok then any place like autozone or any shop can help you find the problem check  engine mean stop and check now not later or when you have time is like important enough you should soon as you can to start checking..... coul dbe something easy lik ea fuel cap but it also could be out of oil which only takes like 5 minutes to burn up a motor

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