
Nissan gtr 2009?

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When does it really come out? I see people importing it alraeady but whats the real deal i heard this summer and still nothing sumone please let me know im goin to buy it!...




  1. The car is being shipped now and all of them are spoken for. If you're not on a waiting list you're gonna be waiting for about a year or spending $150K.

  2. So what if he's 19 he might have enough to finance this car, you can't judge people from what you see. It comes out in january 2009, but nissan has made a few cars for people who are willing to pay ALOT more than its 'sticker price', which is around ~$80,000

  3. First US customer received theirs on July 7.

    However, judging by your other questions, I take it this car is a pipe dream for you. You're 19, asking credit questions, and you want a car that will cost you around $100K (forget sticker price, they're going for WAY over). You won't be financing this car.

    Plus, it's a moot point. All of the ones in production are already spoken for.

    **EDIT** - Josh, moron... I based my statements on his other questions. I didn't just assume.
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