For those following the drama... and some recap. Bear with me on the long lethany:
My BM "C" was not been answering my calls etc. etc. etc. and I basically had to give her an ultimatum about her participation in the wedding. She confirmed her participation 3 weeks before the wedding, but kept otherwise mum. She has had some personal turmoil with divorce, a stalking boyfriend that I can't stand and financial difficulties. Being a symphatetic friend, I offered to pay for part of her travelling expenses AND her hotel bill to help her out because I care for her. I susoected her silence had to do with her "boyfriend" that I hate.
I called her yesterday to ultimate details about travel etc. and she annouced that her son will not be in attandance, but "since she already RSVP for 2" she will be bringing her "boyfriend". This is is a menace to society and is classless beyond any human comprehension. He's brute, uneducated, crass and has no social skills, no job, no drivers license and has a criminal record. I'm BEYOND shocked and appalled by such imposition and such little notice. I'm having an upsacle wedding in Mass, my guests are all sophistacated, educated professional people and certainly none of us are used to such people. This guys is a dangerous person and she confided in my that she's scared for her safety and that she's affraid that is she doesn't take him he will either show up anyway and cause a scene or worse still, injure her or her child in retaliation. I truly care for her and symphatize and I'm beyond myself with this.
She said that she will control him and that he will not drink and he's been 'warned" about his behavior (they argue constantly in public, it's awful, he's jealos, insecure, violent etc. etc.) and that she can "assure" me that he will be in his best behavior.
I'm scared, shocked and hurt, but most importantly, I fear for her life. At this point I'm truly concerned about her safety. I told her so and she knows my position. I'm put in the position of having to deal with this individual on my wedding day,and paying for his tab too!!!!! I'm paranoid about this guy and embarrased!! I even had to tell the venue about this because he has been known to steal too. aarghhh!
What would you do?????
PS/ For the bride that asked earlier about "people inviting themselves" to her wedding... se what being nice gets you????