I read an article in TIME or something (my friend showed it to me), about how the School System is failing now, and I must agree.
Thanks to the NCLB (No Child Left Behind) program, we are spending millions to push ahead kids that NEED MORE TIME to learn! I understand wanting people to graduate instead of fall back, but they really need to be in special classes pertaining to their NEEDS, not the School's wants.
And because of this program, Honors and Advanced Placement programs are falling fast. In the article, a girl was tested at age 7 with an IQ well over 145. In first grade, when other people were learning how to read, she was learning ALGEBRA II. She should have been in college by age 12, but they would not allow her to skip more than two grade levels.
I find this ridiculous. People with special needs, whether it is a lack in ability to learn at an "average" pace, or an IQ that falls off the charts, need to be helped! This NCLB is only making our school system decline furt