
No Kids at Our Wedding???

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Ok....We have kids in our ceremony...3 flower girls and ring bearer... But we have kinda on budget and trying to save every way we can. A lot of my friends have kids, but I dont want a lot kids there. Probably the only ones that will be there is my baby which is one of the flower girls and my 2 nieces and nephew which are in my wedding ceremony as well. How can I get away with that when I send my invitations off to my other guests and still be polite ???




  1. What I did, was I did not put a kids meal option on the invitation. Then I called the family who had kids in the wedding and told them to write on the invitation their meals and also +1 kid and that kids where having chicken fingers and that was it. So Simple and worked perfect! Hope I helped!  

  2. nikki pinned it!~

  3. The best and most money-saving idea I've heard for the kid question is a babysitter. Rent a room in the hotel, or a room in the reception hall, or a seperate place somewhere, get a babysitter and some toys, and keep them in there so they don't ruin your wedding or take up a place at a table where you have to pay by the head.

    That said, it's a teeny bit rude to reject kids from your wedding when you have a kid, too.  

  4. Technically, you should send all of the children home after the ceremony if you are doing an adults only reception, because people will wonder why certain kids were included and others were not.  It will alleviate the chance of any feelings being hurt.

    Best wishes!!!!!  

  5. just put on the invitation that it is an adult ceremony.  Also don't address them to "joan and family" just address them to "joan and bob" (her and her husband) if they ask you can always politely say "this is an adult wedding only. "  

  6. just put "adults only please" with your invitations. i don't have a problem with kids at weddings, but it is totally up to the bride and groom and very appropriate to make it an adult only affair. and don't feel weird about the relatives you have in your wedding party...that is different than every other kid in the world!!! congrats....don't feel's a normal request.  

  7. just say its not a play 4 kids coz u want it to be extra special and no scream and shoutin from kids to spoil ur big day  

  8. for your invitation no problem.till them the truth you can not this day.

    to save tons of money judge the real  judge you need your two person friends for a godparents.after the wedding invite your family at home for pizza.for the honey moon go on line for cheaper hotel and Casino, casinos will give 100 % CENT won't spend 300 dollars.  150 dollars two day and two night  while on honey moon take lot pictures  buy your  instant o matic kodak or polaroid disposable picture at dollar store   . THEN  after the honey moon.    go to the mall for a window Shopping  with your nieces and nephew DO NOT LET THEM KNOW  WHAT YOUR PLANNING go to picture taken at the mall that you can wear costume for a wedding. may be ask photographer  for a bit of  V irtual  Animation. is like walking church aisle  .69 tax including.  

    287.50  tax including  dollars for married cirtificate

    tax  including 172.50 tax including for honey moon, Remember Casino will give Complementary  fruit and the Basket, small Shampgne.

    tax including 1.14  tax including Dollar Store  disposable picture.

    Develop picture cosco or prize club cheaper,go in person to talk manager for a discount wedding picture.just let them know a wedding picture.11.50 tax including

    114. tax including for pizza and checken wing with garlic bread stick  and drinks

    Budget will be 656.64 dollar only.

    that is all you spend.

    Any way the Real Wedding cost you 50 to 70 thousand  dollars that is Canadian dollar

  9. Just address it to the husband and wife. If they RSVP for more than were invited (their kids), you can call them and politely explain that you cannot allow their guests to bring children. Have child care available for kids in the wedding party so that they aren't in everyones face.

    If you do not think leaving the kids names and "and Family" off of the invitation would be enough, just put "Adults Only Reception" to send a clearer message.

    ADD: Some people may get upset that you didn't want their little angels at the wedding, but I think it is completely appropriate to be looking for an adult party. They don't need to come if they can't get a sitter. Kids in the ceremony are usually exempt for the "no kids" rule since people like having kids close to them in the ceremony, and it would be rude to not feed them afterwards. Like I said have child care availa ble so that they are not in people faces. You don't need to force them in there, but having a movie or sdome activities available with someone you hired to supervise would probably be appreciated by everyone involved.

  10. I'm in the same boat as you. We are on a budget as well, and we are only having my niece and nephew (they are in the wedding). But we don't want a lot of kids there. We are going to put on the invitations them + 1 adult guest. Then either my mom (with her brothers and sisters) or myself will be speaking with them on the phone, making sure this is clear. For our ceremony, we have to keep it under 30 people or else it's an extra $600, so we need to keep it at this number!

    Good luck & congrats!

  11. Just to warn you this subject can be a mind field although I'm not sure why. I have children and would rather them not be invited unless they are super close to the couple.

    Address invitations to the parents and not include the children on the inner envelope. Most people will get the hint.  

  12. wow that is so weird that your doing this..we had to do the same thing!

    We just had a little ceremony that was private, with just immediate family. Then everyone was invited to the reception!

    When we sent out our invitations we had the invitation then a small envelope with a ceremony invite in it, that was just addressed to like "Sheri and Mike" then we had a cute little fun invite that was addressed to the kids saying "its a kid party! Pizza and Games before Tyler and Jaimie's reception'' Then we put that it was at grandma's house..just so they didnt feel excluded. I had my really good friend there to babysit, then after the ceremony they were alright to come. Still not sure how they all got there, like if the parents had to go get them or what not.

    But there were a couple people that were pissed about it, but ya know you just have to tell them that you can afford what you can afford, and if one persons kids are invited then they all have to be. Just put your foot down..they'll get over it if they're sore on the subject. My famliy did. haha

    i hope it helps..its a tough situation..but i didn't want to have a hundred screaming babies when i was saying i do, and i bet you dont either!!

    Anyways good luck with everything and congrats on gettin hitched!! :)  

  13. You can write whatever you want as politely as you think you can, but you're going to upset a lot of people with kids, especially when you're allowing 4 children to "attend".

    I think it's really galling to allow kids to come if they have a "job" that suits you, but bar others from bringing their kids.

    Just be prepared for some fall-out.

  14. its your wedding put it however you want if they get offended o well its not there day lol thats how i feel about it there is nothing more annoying than being at a wedding and a kid screaming crying wanting a bottle or something i agree just ask nicely but if they get a attitude just be forward and say hey this is not about you. and o well if your kid is in it ITS YOUR KID and YOUR DAY. lol good luck!

  15. If you're not letting them come to the wedding don't have them come to the reception. Especially not if you're trying to use budget as an excuse - you can't omit them from the important and cheap part and then invite them for the part no one cares about which costs money. If you have a reason to not allow kids then go ahead and don't invite them, it will drastically cut down on the number of people you have to worry about showing up.  

  16. My friends had "No children at the request of..."The wedding venue. They had children in the wedding but they were taken home after the ceremony. Unfortunately, you will be questioned if you do include the children in the wedding and not invite other children

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