Hello everyone,
Thanks in advance! I am researching online no medical
term policies for myself and my husband. One of the questions
ask if I have been hospitilized within the past ten years. Well
I was in the hospital for tests 12 years ago. I feel funny about
answering no but it is more than 10 years. Will that come
back to haunt me?
Also, can someone explain the MIB? Is it like a credit agency?
It seems from my research that it is like a medical clearining
house. We have blue cross and blue shield through my husbands union. Does that mean that everytime we see a
doctor or visit a hospital our information is sent to them?
Also,, on their web site it says records are purged in 7 years.
Even though we are both very healthy, I would hate to think that
the MIB has record of every stinkin test or doctor visit I have had? So anything after 7 years is not on the mib.
Can someone also explain what a contestibility clause is?Thanks again,