
No One Believes Me! Please Help!?

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I have had several experiances with the paranormal. Very real and otherwise unexplainable.

we were in the car with most of my family driving home one day, and we were all talking about random things. Sooo, I was telling them about my experiances and they all laughed at me! They didn't even consider it being real! And then they told me some of their's and they were waaaay not real and they expected me to believe it. So they were making fun of me.

Sooo i asked a question or two about my experiances on Here, (yahoo answers) and everyone here told me i needed to either:

get a life

see a doctor

im lying

grow up

that's not real

NO ONE BELIEVES ME! what do i need to do? PLEASE help!




  1. I really dont know what to tell you to do about it,but I def. believe you.Some people are just more sensitive to that sort of things than others.

  2. what was one of your experiances?????

    i dont think your crazy i bbelieve that kind of stuff

  3. I had a situation like that and it wasn't easy. As the song "What a friend we have in Jesus" states you should take everything to God in prayer. Ask Jesus Christ to protect you from all harm and danger. Pray and ask God to help you to understand what is happening. Thirdly you can ask a christian pastor to assist you with this. Make sure not to have occultic objects in your home as it can attract demonic spirits. Sometimes when a family member or a deceased family member has been involved in the occult, paranormal things can start happening. This is because the occult is dangerous and can demons are attracted to anywhere where the occult has been practised.

  4. well,my old house was haunted.and me and my mom experienced many things.but my dad didnt believe i know how you feel.good luck

  5. Forget about the skeptics. Trying to change their minds is like trying to convert an atheist to Catholocism. All that matters is that you know you're telling the truth. There are plenty of people out there who are believers, and many who expierience the same things as you. I can't even begin to describe to you how great it felt to find other indigo children. You just have to keep looking for people who will believe you, and ignore the ones who don't. From the looks of it, you've already found several believers, just with this question!

  6. As long as you know, who cares what other people think? Let them continue to be ignorant. I believe in the supernatural, only because I have experienced it first hand. Some of us are lucky enough to have these experiences, the rest not so much. Congratulations on being one of the enlightened ones!

  7. You've now learned how skeptical people are of things they do not and cannot understand. I think the best thing you can do at this point is to keep all your observations to yourself. Not many people believe things they cannot experience themselves. Use you gift as you can, but I have found that it can only be shared with very few people.

    Sometimes you will see things that you cannot change. Sometimes it may be bad to even try to alter future events.

    Keep you own counsel.

  8. Hello,,perhaps the doors of perception need to be opened to you. Relax and enjoy the trip.

  9. Find people who have similar experiences and will accept what you say as truth. One can choose one's friends, but not one's family.

  10. You are young and imaginative, puberty makes you think crazy things.

    You say you are a child prodigy, use your intelligence to analyse these so called paranormal happening logically and I'm soon you will quickly discover that everything you have experienced can be accounted for in a scientific way.

  11. I guess I missed your story, but I completely understand your feelings. I am a senstive, and I catch c**p all the time, even my Mom, who believes me 100% doesn't want me to tell ppl, cuz she thinks they will think I'm a freak. Well, u know what? I know I am for real. Sometimes ppl don't wanna admit to believing in things that scare them, thats their problem, and some ppl are simply rude, and they need to get a life if they are entertained by being cruel, and if they enjoy being cruel, maybe they need a doctor, should grow up, and stop lying so much that they think everyone else is a liar too. don't worry about them, its not like you will ever meet any of them any how. If you have questions, only pay attention to ppl who are trying to help you, ignore the rest

  12. tell me one of your experiences and i will beleive you no matter how crazy it is.

  13. I think your questions are real,

    maybe people have a different point of view ( people feel that way with my experiences too.) I think you need to show them some proof or some more details on what happened.

  14. Get it on tape if it is a regular thing that is bothering you. Some forms of media equipment you can use to capture paranormal experiences are household video cameras (no need for expensive cameras, anything will do) electronic voice recorder, etc..

    also play into account the surroundings you are in,  the reason you may be getting laughed at is because some of your paranormal experiences may be just a door closing because of wind... Just get it on tape and analyze it to make sure its not something normal instead of paranormal.

  15. Well you should just simply let it go because this disagreement starts arguments. Just let it go until the activity is EXTREMELY frightening or until you get hurt then I don't care if you have to pour soap down their throats GET THEM TO LISTEN!! In my mind ghosts do exist because both me and my friend have had experiences that we both saw with our own eyes and that we both heard with our own ears. Really just try to talk to people who have had the same experiences as you or try contacting somebody [ with parents

    permission of course] Don't listen to what they say, just know in your heart that you saw something and you were creeped out by it, don't let people imtimidate you

    I got to go I will edit this

    I agree with James Union's answer, mine is like exactly what his is. Let people talk, let people laugh, let them sneer WHO CARES and then when they see something and need help don't bother with them [ unless it is your family, those are people you should stick by]

    You should edit this so I can read some of you experiences so I can compare them, just know that I believe you and many other people do to and if you ever ask another question make sure Cayden answers. :))

    You do have a life, you are just scared and want some answers

    It would be a good idea to see a physcologist because you never know it could be mental

    How would people know if your lying, they were not there seeing whatever it was you saw

    You don't need to grow up because your probably very mature, your just very very very scared.

    It is real, I have seen it, everyone in my family has seen things, other people have seen things.

    Don't worry I believe you!!

  16. Go talk it over with your doctor.  Honestly, hallucinations can be dangerous if they are happening due to a problem.  A doctor can find this, we can't.

    I believe that you think it was real, but that doesn't make it real.

  17. Well I can't really comment on your situation, since I didn't read about your experiences. Sorry I must have missed them. Why don't you repost the question and see what type of response you get this time? I tried reading them from your profile but your Q&As are set to private.

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