
No Period For 2/3 Months?

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I haven't had my period for 2 going on 3 months now. The last time was back in May. I've always had an irregular period and would sometimes get a period in the beginning of a month, then at the end of that same month, and I'll sometimes skip a month. Never have I skipped 2/3 months. I have been so-so stressed, but nothing too bad. And I can't get on the pill until I turn 18, and I can't go to the doctor yet since I have no way of getting there.. Is there anything that -could- cause a 3 month skip?

And no, I'm not pregnant, it'd be impossible since I'm a virgin.




  1. honestly anything.

    stress, changing your eating habits, any sort of change really that would affect your body.

    i actually didn't get my period for 4 months. i finally got it in july. and really everthing is fine. you should be fine, your period is just messing with you. but anyways, dont complain you got 3 months period free!!! you should be happy! haha. anywyas if it lasts more than 4-5 months you really should take it more seriously incase.  

  2. oh ok well its perfectly normal ... dont get stressed out no biggie but if its more than 6 months then u need to c ur doctor!  

  3. are you very very active like in training for gymnastics? this could be a cause and if you are overly heavy or overly thin

  4. It is very possible that it is due to being stressed. Even a little bit of stress/anxiety can cause a delay in menstruation. Have you been on a diet of some sort? That also causes late menstruation as you're not getting your needed nutritions. If you go to the site i have provided, you can scroll to part where it tells you about irregular periods. They tell you several reasons for irregularity of menstruation.  

  5. Well first off, how old are you and what age did you start your period? For most girls, when they first start their period, it's very irregular at first. I have a friend of mine who's 15 and hers skip ALL the time. There was a time she went the entire summer without a period (lucky her if you ask me though.. she was able to swim any time she wanted lol). People would say things like "Oh, maybe she's pregnant" but nope... she's a virgin... and wayyyy too innocent to lose that until marriage which won't happen for a long time lol.

    So yeah, you're periods are probably just very irregular is all. Nothing to worry about. But if you feel you need to see a doctor, please do so. Tell your parents or someone to take you there. It won't hurt to have things checked to ensure everything is alright.  

  6. You need to get to the doctor. Alot of different things can cause a skip in your period. Some of them serious.

  7. its just a combination of stress and the irregularity of your period.

    stress can take serious tolls on the body. some people lose weight, gain weight, their hair falls out, the get physically sick, etc.

    at least you are not pregnant!!

    enjoy not having your period for a few months!


  8. wow ummmm....idk mine is like that 2....but im 12 an had it for like alomst1 year (1 year on labor day :p)

  9. when did you get your period and how old are you? put that in you question and i can help. Just edit your question first.

  10. It's nothing to worry about. I'm also irregular, I can go 5 months without a period, however sometimes it's more or less than that lol! I just never know and take it as it comes. However, you said you're under stress? This is a definite factor in making an irregular period, more, well...irregular. :) It's nothing to fret about. It could be hormones, stress, etc. I wouldn't stress too much, especially if you're not worried about it being pregnancy. Another thing that can affect your period is your eating habits changing. Just relax, okay? Otherwise....go on the pill, have a friend drive you since you ARE 17...and go to planned parenthood, they'll put you on the pill for free or extremely cheap depending on your job and current bills. :)

  11. research polysistic ovary syndrome. and calling your doctor would probably be a good idea. why are you worried about your mom knowing that you went to the doctor. if your missing your period, and your a virgin, there might be something wrong with you. why would your mom be mad if your SICK? if she thinks your pregnant, (unless you might be) she wont be mad if you take a pregnancy test and it turns out negative.

  12. you have been blessed by God as the next virgin Mary.

    Lucky you

    (i think)

  13. Stress. Hormonal changes. A sudden weight loss or gain. Certain medications. Being an intense athlete. There's a number of things it could be.

    But you need to see a doctor ASAP to rule out things such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

  14. no, you need to see a doctor asap, who told you that you cant go on the pill til 18. I was on the pill at 16

  15. nobody is perfect. maybe that part of ur body doesn't work like it should. if u cant get to the doctor then u should call the doctor or look for it online ask ur friends do something!!!

  16. don't worry i am 17 also and i am so irregular  sometimes i skip 3 or 2!!  My mom says that it can be for the low hormones i may have but my doctor says that it becomes regular when

    1. you get pregnant and have a child

    2. you turn 18-22

    3. that is just your way of nature and have to deal with it.

    doctor can prescribe you with birth control but right now..don't.

  17. Go to your parents and ask them to take you to the MD.  Don't just assume you have something b/c someone on here tells you to research it.  There are lots of things that can cause you to be late or irregular, I wouldn't worry too much.

  18. to be honest, i wouldnt worry about it, i've had this happened to me, i didnt have it for over a month, not as bad as you but it was due to stress on exams and other things! Go to your doctors, im sure its nothing to worry about, but even so it will put your mind at rest.


  19. I can't say I know too much about irregular periods since mine has always been fine especially since I'm on the pill, but I do know that stress and eating habits can cause delayed periods.

  20. idk some ppl have irregular periods. my aunt did/does so... no bi deal. u should be happy cuz you get 2 skip it but keep the tools handy cuz u never kno when its gonna strike

  21. Yes go to the free clinic and have yourself looked at. Missing periods since you have always been irregular is nothing to be too scared about since it can be change in diet,exercise and even stress. It is always good to go and get checked out could be more serious. Plus you should always get yearly check ups whether you are having s*x or not.

  22. If you're normally irregular chances are it's fine. If you're stressed that definately affects it, especially if you're irregular to begain with. I remember once when I went for six months without getting my period, and yeah, I was a virgin too, and nothing was wrong with me. Unless you feel sick or there's something obviously wrong anyway, then I wouldn't worry about it. If you want to be absolutely sure though you can always talk to your doctor, or wait another month or so and see if you get it, and if not go to the doctor's.

    When you got your period is also a factor too. If you've had it for several years and this has never happened it's more likely you should get it checked out.

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