
No TrueHD or DTS HD with my Onkyo 605?

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I recently purchased the onkyo 605. I wanted to get the smaller one but everybody told me take the 605, it can play DTS HD and Dolby True HD. So I did. I connected my HD-DVD Player with the Receiver. I used an HDMI connection as this is the only way to get the TrueHD signal correctly into the receiver. Now when I select the HDMI as input it only says "Multichannel" (on the receiver). I checked the display and it should say "TrueHD" or "DTS HD" depending on the disc. Can anyone help me?




  1. Alot of time you need to go into the set up menu of you DVD player and turn on the Dolby Digital and DTS for your Onkyo to pick it up. Just because your using HDMI doesnt mean that you DVD player is going to output. I am a home theater install and 99% of the time this is it. Same goes for all other devices.

  2. Many, many consumers are having similar issues. The whole advanced audio topic is complex.  I'll preface by acknowledging I'm not an expert, but there are some things I can suggest.

    First, know that not all players support all features and some audio options are optional on either HD DVD or Blu-ray, so there is no guarantee of compatibility. For a very useful format by format, step by step, overview of advanced audio formats and how they relate to player types see the link.

    Turning to your problem ... first I assume you are playing an HD DVD with Dolby TrueHD or DTS HD coding, and the right track is selected?

    Multichannel sounds like you have the input set to the discrete analog inputs, not HDMI???

    Also, have you set up the HD DVD to give you bitstream or LPCM output? For example, with an external DTS HD decoder you need bitstream.

    Also, the HD DVD player has to support sending the intact / full signal from DTS HD (not just core) ... not all do.

    As you are discovering, there are several things that have to be right to get advanced audio (right track selected on the disk, HDMI 1.3 connection, inputs setup right on the receiver, right audio stream (LPCM or bitstream), player that supports sending the right audio stream to an external decoder, etc)

    Hope something here helps.

  3. The AV ampilfier Receiver system on use for HD, but the HD DVD Player or Blu-ray Disc Player, it be connected to HDMI Lead on back of the AV ampilfier Receivers it says on front of AV ampilfier Receiver the "multichannel" it's displays on LCD Display.

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