
No air conditioning for a two day car ride. How can my family stay cool?

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I have to start a two day car ride tomorrow from Connecticut to Nebraska. My family doesn't have time to wait around for the part needed to fix the air conditioning so we are going to have to go without it. Any suggestions on how to stay cool...or at least not boiling?




  1. An easy solution will be to rent a car! You can rent a car for $20-25. per day!

  2. take drinks and open the windows. and put plenty of deoderant.

  3. One thing to keep in mind...keep your wrists, and neck cool and it will help you. Try using a cold,wet bandana wrapped around your wrists and back of neck. Keep the windows open and drink lots of water.

  4. roll ALLL the windows down.....water with ice frozen(50%water50%ice)deoterant.....hope there aint going to be a dog...otherwise EWW STINKY!!!...and if you have a brother NO FARTING! this will make it more smelly kuz it will be hot!! sp yeah and water/ice.

  5. could always get them handheld fans , use rechargeable batteries and take the battery charger with you to charge battery if needed

  6. Roll the windows down and get neked , and you might want to drive only at night

  7. Open the windows enough to get circulation going.  You don't have to roll them all the way down.  The speed of the car and the circulating air will do a lot to keep you more comfortable.  A cooler full of drinks and a stop at a restaurant with air conditioning will make a big difference.

  8. In every gas station you stop buy some packs of ice and leave it at your feet in the car, it will help you cool down a bit if it get too hot.

  9. open the windows that's is the only way

  10. Get the portable mist-fans.

    Something like that.

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