
No belief in God. Why blame God? ?

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If there are SOME people out there who swear they do not believe in God...why do they blame Him? For example, God is sadistic, God murders more people than people murder people and so on. If you do not believe in Him, why do you blame Him?

Also, why is it the people who seem to blame God for murder but yet they are for abortion (I know, I know, to a lot of you abortion is not murder but for the people who do believe in God, it is murder)? If you do not believe God, then whom should you be blaming murder on? I do not understand the point you are trying to get across. How can you blame something you do not believe in? I see it as a double standard to your “belief” or non belief I should say.

I know that there are going to be some people who can not answer the question like an adult...but thank you all for your answers.

Have a great labor day. :-)




  1. Strange, how can you blame something that doesn't exist?

  2. i agree 100% that is so true  

  3. they're trying to get you to ask yourself why the god you beleive in would allow these things.

    I really don't see how anyone couldn't figure that out.

  4. The buck stops with the ultimate power. Did you ever notice that those people who support abortion have already been born? I think what motivates people to blame God on everything is the way in which Christians portray him. All powerful, all knowing ,able to cure and create anything. Where is he?  

  5. I think some of them base it all on the Bible and use that as a tool to bash religion. What people need to realize is that the big 3 religious groups have hostile aspects, but there are other religions out there who do not. So to base God on just the Bible/Koran is ignorant.  

  6. its not blame its a question


    believers beleive god is good

    they beleive god does exist

    so we ask them

    if your god that YOU beleive is said to be so good by your description, then why is he letting this go on, from YOUR perspective as a believer,

    what is YOUR explanation

    it says nothing about our beleifs or non beleifs in god or anything else

    its a question, to the other person, about their beleifs and answers to this questions, how do THEY answer them to others and to themselves

  7. We don't blame your god. We don't think it exists. The only people who claim we do are theists trying to set up a feeble straw man.

  8. I think you are referring to people who do not believe in God but point out that the God depicted in the Bible is vengeful and violent. Speaking of which, you might want to check what the Bible says about abortions. It seems the God depicted in the Bible did not believe abortion was murder.

    "And if men struggle and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise."

    Exodus 21:22-25

    EDIT- You don't consider causing a miscarriage to be abortion? It clearly states that the penalty is life for life. Therefore if God believed abortion was murder, He would set the penalty at death for the man, not a simple fine. But if you can point to a verse in the Bible that specifically says God thinks abortion is murder, please do so.

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