
No contact order or restraining order possible?

by  |  earlier

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I'm wondering if its possible for me to get a restraining order or no contact type order that would suit my needs. I have an ex girlfriend who made a death threat online to my current girlfriend but deleted the record. She has also multiple times tried to scare my girlfriend off and say stuff to get her to dump me. She uses multiple emails to send stuff through. This worries me over my current relationship because one can only take so much c**p. During my relationship with my ex we've had heated arguements where she has bitten me and hit me and have called the police but I have always been either blamed or else laughed at because she is female and in a wheelchair. My ex is pyscho and basically threatens constantly with more lies to my girlfriend to break us up. My girlfriend is currently internationally and for sometime more so her filing anything is not possible. I simply want my girlfriend and myself left alone from this Pyscho. Thanks




  1. Suggestion.. change your email address and your phone number.  That may help in making the harassment and threats stop in that sense at least.  Good luck.

    Maybe moving to a different town or at least a different area of town if possible would work too.  Basically disappear.

    I am hoping that even though the ex has deleted record of harassment, you didn't and will have proof available for the court when you go for the restraining order.

  2. any violence against another person should be reported to police, if the violence is against your friend, then the friend needs to make the police reports and take the proper actions..document everything that happens, have your proof and seek court intervention for yourself and the friend can do the same for themselves..cyber bullying is illegal

  3. Yes, it is possible.

    If you go to your county court, the clerk will give you the forms to fill out requesting a no contact order.

    Because she is your ex-wife, this is technically considered Domestic Violence in most states.

    In the meantime, have your girlfriend save all the messages from your ex, and print them out.

    Then have her change her e-mail address, but leave the old one open; just as a means of collecting the hate mails from your ex.  If your ex is using different accounts to harass your girlfriend that is a form of stalking. Your girlfriend needs to file charges against her as well.

    Then, once you are granted the no contact order and she violates it, you have to report it every single time. At that point she is violating a court order, and the punishment is progressive with the number of violations.

    If your ex

  4. Go to your county court house...go to the "civil desk" explain what the situation is, and they will explain the process to you. Usually you go in front of the judge swear the information and he'll grant you a temp ex the opportunity to contest it.

    What you need to do, is collect evidence of ex's behavior etc to show the judge.

    Also like the other answerer explained, change your email adn phone numbers etc

    Good luck.

  5. You can get one.  It will be temporary, (until a court date), then you go to court and tell the judge your concerns.  They decide whether to make one for longer (90 days all the way to permanent).

    ADDED:  I do not think that there is anything YOU can do without your girlfriend if the threats are about your girlfriend.  However, if you can show that she has threatened you, you can get a no-contact order for you AND your "agents" and I believe that your family is automatically considered your agent, and you can add specific people.

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