
No damage so can they claim?

by  |  earlier

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I was parked up on the side of a busy road, there was a car infront quite close to my car. I reversed back a bit into the road to get some space, the man infront by this time was out of his car talking to a taxi driver in the middle ov the road holding up traffic and this was right behind me, so again i didnt have much space. I went to pull forward because i had to go and my front bumper slightly hit his back bumper. My bumper is plastic and this was not damaged but his was metal and apparently there is a bump on his but, me along with someone sat in the car with me could see no damage at all, i think he is going to try and claim wat can i do ?




  1. Well, you did hit his car, and if there is damage to be fixed, he will make a claim.

    Just be thankful it wasn't any worse.

  2. always take photo's fella

  3. You must have hit him pretty hard to dent a metal bumber. I regularly 'nudge' cars to get in or out of a parking space, but only very gently, and definitely cause no damage.

  4. Are you and your passenger qualified motor engineers? Did you both check under the vehicle to check that you hitting his metal bumper didn't push in a sub-frame or something like that?

  5. you should have taken photo's

  6. you have a witness - does he???

  7. You report it to your insurance company and let them deal with it.  They have licensed appraisers who can determine if the damage is old or new, and if the damage is consistent with the impact to your vehicle.

  8. You bumped into him and he has a dent.  The law is on his side.  : (

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