
No diabetes, so what is burning feet, and more....?

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My feet are burning, feeling of bugs biting feet, toes, and reduced sensation to hot and cold water. This has come on gradually over a few weeks. What is this?




  1. Could be due to poor circulation, it is a good idea to get a check-up with your doctor.

    Supplements that can help with blood circulation are:

    - Ginkgo Biloba 60mg per day

    - Cayenne Pepper 1teaspoon per day

    Hope this helps.

  2. if you have tingling or pin prick sensations in other parts of your body (even if it is less severe than in your feet) it could be MS multiple sclerosis.

    just an idea, don't freak out thinking that it definitely is MS

  3. You could still have neuropathy or parasthesias (tingling, feelings of crawling sensations, etc), without being diabetic. Any number of health related conditions could possibly cause this.

    Even severe electrolyte imbalances have been known to cause strange sensations, but the major concern here too is that you are having reduced sensation. Please see your family doctor or a neurologist for a full workup.

  4. its called GO TO THE DOCTOR

  5. Get to a Doctor. Burning usually means nerve involvement. Have you hurt your back recently? Or maybe awhile ago?

    You are going to want a referral to a neurologist.

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