
No dial tone but can still make calls?

by  |  earlier

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ok. i got verizon hooked up in my apartment. when i plug the phone in i can't hear a dial tone, although if i dial a number i can still make call. i won't hear anything, not even a ring until the person picks up, then i can hear them perfect...if i call the phone it works as normal, then when i hang up i can get a dial tone for 30 seconds or so before it goes out. but i can still make calls. i tried the phone at my brother's house and it works fine. any suggestions....please




  1. Turn the phone in to AT&T (probably) and they'll come out and fix it, or tell you what needs to be  pushed as a button on the phone.  Also, this may be a local only phone, something like that.  Your phone company will know.  If you don't get a bill-then you'll know that as a reason as well.  But, since you may want to make long distance calls, you might want to get hooked up.  There are repairmen that are for just this sort of thing.  In the meantime, relax, since you can make phone calls.

  2. it depends who your service provider is as some do not have a dial tone bt have dial for customers comfort

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