
No dial tone on house phone?

by Guest60039  |  earlier

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I just bran new cordless phones, I have both fully charged and hook up. The phone lines are plugged in as are the phones. I'm not getting any dial tone what so ever. Any ideas? I couldn't even call 911 if I needed.




  1. It sounds like this is the first time that you have hooked up phones in this house.  You won't have a dial tone until you call the phone company and hook up service.

    If you did have a dial tone prior to hooking these phones up, then I would check to ensure you plugged everything in correctly.  If you did and it's not working, take it back and get a new one.

  2. Visit the site below, it has useful information about troubleshooting and fixing phone lines.

  3. I hate to answer a question with a question but did you have a dial tone before you plugged your new telephone in?  If the answer is yes, the new telephone is obviously the problem.  The next step would be to read the instructions that came with the telephone.  The manufacturer might offer suggestions on resolving conflicts.  After that, I would first make sure I had a good connection between the cordless phone base jack and the main/wall jack.  If everything is connected properly and you still don't have a dial tone disconnect the line to the wall jack and connect a standard land line phone to that jack.  If you have a dial tone you will know that the problem is with either the new phone or the wire that connects to the wall jack.Then if necessary, use a different telephone cord/wire to connect your cordless phone base to the main house system.  If you still have a problem you either have a defective telephone or a conflict between your new phone and another phone device in the house.  To look for a conflict you should disconnect everything that is connected to your in house phone system (i.e. telephones, modems,etc.) and plug the new phone into the desired jack.  If you have a dial tone you will know that another phone device is causing your problem.  The next step would be to reconnect the other devices one at a time until the dial tone on the new cordless goes out.  When that happens you will know the problem and will most likely have to eliminate one device or the other except you might be able to solve the problem with filtration but that would be a long shot.  If it were me, once I made the determination that a conflict exists, because the cordless is new, I would return it to where I bought it and try a different brand.

  4. All right I am in the UK and things might be a bit different over here, but I have cordless phones in my house and I don't get a dial tone with them either but they still work perfectly.

    Try dialing a number and see if it rings, I just dial the number I want press send and the phone works properly.

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