
No doubt people will make fun of Robert Novak, who has brain cancer...

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simply because he is conservative; this is extremely tasteless, but no doubt will happen. Thoughts?




  1. He should be dead anyway. That is the accepted punishment for TREASON against your own country....and he's guilty of that for sure

  2. Of course no one should make fun of a man with brain cancer, that's just needless and nasty.

    Interesting how God evens it out though , Ted Kennedy , Robert Novak. Nobody's immune from Karma. Let's hope Mr. Novak has the same health care opportunities that Senator Kennedy had available to him.

  3. Good ridiance to that jerk. I am not making fun of him. I mean it!

  4. I feel sorry for him and his family. It doesn't sound like he has much time.  

  5. Well, a quick perusal of wikipedia says that he had quite a few different political view points both conservative and left leaning.

    Only the truly hateful scum will enjoy his imminent death from disease, but then Karma is a b*tch!

  6. I'm kinda hungry.

  7. They should not forget that the same thing is happening to the professional mobster Ted Kennedy........

  8. karma, its just karma.

  9. Will they make fun of him... Of course, It is inevitable. People, today, can no longer just say, "Oh, he's dying of cancer... How sad." They have to make some sort of tasteless, cruel connection to his career... and that somehow his opinions have made his illness a punishment. It's especially interesting coming from Liberals who claim to have no god or belief system... and yet, because he does not agree with them, it is now a punishment from on high.

  10. You are correct.  There are also some conservatives who will make fun of liberals suffering from similar maladies simply because they are liberals.  But in both cases, it is a fairly small minority who do this.  

  11. He is a pathetic man who destroyed many reputations. I wouldn't wish brain cancer on anyone but he had no pity for anyone.  

  12. I doubt not that there will far fewer bad taste comments about Robert Novak than there were/are about Edward Kennedy.

    I am a conservative. Novak is something other than that as are most neocons.

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