
No electricity for 19 hours yesterday. Today I checked and my ice cream had not melted. Is the other food OK?

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I did not open the freezer while the power was off and not until this morning - 12 hours after the power came back on. There is no home frozen food in the freezer.




  1. they can stay frozen in a good freezer for 24hrs.

  2. No problem. As long as the freezer door was closed (and the door seal is OK) The food will be fine.

  3. WE have had this happen many times,  ( live in florida and the whole tropical storm/ hurricane thing)   and yes  If you did not open the freezer,   then things can be cold even frozen for a very very long time,   so they are probably fine, if the ice cream had melted there would be tiny ice crystals in it,  when it froze again,  

    so if there were not , you are in great shape,   even if there had been, it would not have meant that there would be anything wrong with the other food,   Ice cream would have been the first to melt,

    so be happy,   and hope it doe s not happen to frequently,

    good luck  ;)  

  4. Yes freezers keep stuff frozen for 24hours after power has been turned off.after the 24 hours iwould have started throwing things away,but yours will be fine

  5. As long as the door stays shut, the average domestic freezer should keep it's contents frozen at safe temperatures for at least 24 hours, probably nearer 36 hours.  

  6. yes, it will be fine. Freezers can stand 24 hours without power (if theyre any good).

  7. Yes it should be OK.  Don't waste any food!  

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