
No energy, want to sleep all the time.?

by  |  earlier

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My wife had our daughter a year ago, but she has lost no weight. She has gained weight and is really unhappy with herself. She doesnt eat a lot but the food she eats is unhealthy, and she has ABSOLUTELY no energy. She wants to sleep a lot. She currently doesnt work (just sits at home with the baby). When she gets up early and gets going in the morning when she has somewhere to be she is fine but on days where she has nothing to do she just feels sluggish I guess. I love her and I hate t see this happen to her, please tell me how I can help her.




  1. Ok, first thing she should do is see a doctor. It's what doctors are for, and her doctor will be able to rule many things out.

    Make sure her doctor tests her thyroid and especially her adrenal glands, the doctor should also test her Iron levels, they are probably low.

    Second thing she should do is sort her diet out. Throw out ALL unhealthy food, drink water only and no sodas, etc. It will make a difference.

  2. This is definitely a huge sign of depression. I didn't have a baby but it's like you were describing me, on days when I have a place to go and feel alive I do but I lost my job 1.5 years ago and because of it I gained 35 lbs, I'm tired all the time, the dishes pile up, the laundry piles up, the dust bunnies are creeping out. Even when I do clean it's not clean. I also don't overeat but the weight gain doesn't deplete either. If my boyfriend didn't do the majority of the cooking we'd surely starve.

    I'm sure by now you guys have talked to her doctor about this? Usually after a baby it's post-pardom depression and they usually put them women on medications for it. Either that or she has to find a place to go and be happy everyday. If she was happy working then it's time for her to go back. Working made me happy, I was thin, I had the monetary ability to do the things I wanted to, etc. Now I can't afford anything so all I get to do is rot in a chair or bed all day. I have nothing to look forward to. She needs to get back into her old routines even if just a little at a time. It will help her.  

  3. I think this may be postpartum depression. I would research it online for her symptoms. Even though she had your daughter a year ago, the depression could just be sparking up now. Maybe have her talk to someone. She may need to go on antidepressants for a little while until this subsides.

  4. I think she might have postpartum depression

  5. Sounds like postpartum depression. Check out the Wikipedia article for symptoms and risks.

  6. she is pregnanat

  7. She may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  I have it, my friend also had it and believe it or not child birth bought it on for her and over time she got worse.  Make a visit to your docs and go with her to tell your concerns.

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