
No energy transfer is 100% efficient. There is always some lost as energy?

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  1. there is no such thing as "lost" energy...

    energy cannot be lost, it can only be changed from one form to another or simply unused.

    you may attribute lost usable energy for the work you are trying to things like friction, or low combustion ratio, etc.   But keep in mind that friction changes motion into heat, and low cumbustion ratio can mean you just need to recycle unspent fuels which most modern engines do.

  2. The total amount of energy trasferred is constant based on a

    thermodynamic law (not sure which one) but i think there is no way to transfer energy without having some even minimally lost (technically it's not lost, it changed from one form to another) besides, there is no 100% smooth surface and this means that there is always friction.

  3. No.  You can convert electricity into heat with 100% efficiency with straight resistance.

  4. yup. there is no energy transfer that is 100 % efficient. Imagine this - if there is a system which could transfer energy at 100% efficiency, then all you need to generate is a small amount of energy, then that energy can be reused over and over again. but of course, there is no such thing though.

  5. All of the above are inefficient in terms of the actual percent of potential energy that is turned into usable energy. While technically no energy is ever lost, the laws of thermodynamics prove this, the point is moot. There is a power source used up that is not absorbed and turned in to kinetic energy, in all cases.

    The greatest potential for "complete usage" is in anti-matter. The amount of energy required to make it far exceeds what can be used from it right now though. If CERN, and other particle accelerators, advance in efficiency we could be running New York for a week off of one gram of anti-matter.

  6. what is your question?

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