
No energy?always tired?

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Im always tired, seems i never get enough sleep. I take naps almost everyday. I get 12 to 14 hours asleep each day yet im still tired. If i get to emotional it drains everything and i just kind of fade out. If i get really stressed i can't seemed to even walk. The other day i went to see my doctor and i was feeling very tired, although i had plenty of sleep. I told the doctor that and he was not listening, i got stressed out very much dureing the visit and then i went to get up and i just fell straight to the floor. I don't know if its in my mind and i make myself do this or if its medical. But i have done it on more then once. I just don't seem to have enough energy to get things done. Never do i have energy. I have bipolar so maybe its linked to that some how? I also have an anxity disorder, again link? Also i don't eat right, i eat once or sometimes twice a day. I just don't like to eat sometimes and sometimes i forget, most the time im just not hungry. And when i do eat i normally over eat before i have not eaten all day. And its normally fast food...which is not healthy at all. so vitiams could be the problem...any ideas? No doctors seem to know whats wrong with me. They just keep takeing my blood and then saying nothing seems to be wrong..




  1. I think I know exactly what it is.

    Your medication. Have you recently started on a different mood stabilizer. Lithium especially can make you tired. It's weird because it sounds like you have a under active thyroid but I would suggest talking to your doctor on your medication for Bipolar, sometimes they can make you feel very sleepy and have a loss of appetite.

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