
No facial hair etc....low testosterone? ?

by  |  earlier

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I am in my mid twenties and I really haven't changed to look at since I was like 17 or so.

I dont have ANY facial hair. Would LOVE to be able to grow stuble. I work out/lift weights quite a bit but you really wouldn't know it to look at me. My facial features just seem a little too babyish for my age. Despite having the start of a 6-pack my cheeks still seem a little chubby for example. Im sure there's something wrong.

I want to get my T levels checked. Not quite sure how to go about it here in the UK. Do I just make an appointment with my local GP? Will he do it or will he refer me? Either way, from what I gather, they won't prescribe you anything unless your levels are REALLY REALLY low. Different in the US from what i gather though.

I dont know much about that sort of stuff, but once you start a testosterone treatment plan, does your own bodies production shut down and you are on it for life? It is the same for bodybuilders who take steroids? Does there bodies Testosterone production shut down?

M yonly concern about taking something is that Some people say its a blessing / mirracle that i look so young at my age and not to s***w around with it through drugs etc. Would LOVE to be able to grow a beard though and add a bit more size..

decisions, decisions. I guess the first step is looking into getting some blood work done and taking it from there....

Advice / comments from people in the know (especailly in the UK) would be most welcome.





  1. if everything else is right as in testicles dropped and pubic/body hair voice broken then you are one lucky lad do you know what it means every blo-dy morning to have to shave the waste of time by itself is enough never mind the odd cuts you have to see to if you go through life like this you are very lucky

  2. you are very lucky  you probably dont think so at present but you will appreciate it when you get older , i mean looking a lot younger than your age , its the same for me i always looked young as  a boy/teenager but now as a pensioner  i lokk at least 10 years younger than i actually am   good  luck

  3. When I was a teenager 50 years ago I was paranoid about my lack of body hair to the extent that the shirt stayed very much in place on the beach while my contemporaries where parading their fuzzy pecs for any female that passed by.Now they are all hairy old men with large stomachs and sad eyes.I on the other hand am still smooth,so no worrying about shaving,my waist is still the same size and I feel as fit as the proverbial so accept the way you are and make the most of it.

    ps It in no way stood in the way of sexual conquests ,indeed if anything it helped as I always look fresh and younger than my age

  4. Your so lucky,no shaving and a nice fresh young looking face,why would you want to spoil that.

  5. If you are that concerned try asking a doctor why  a man in his twenties still would not be able to grow a beard, that's very unusual.

  6. I have a baby face too. Don't worry about it. People have always complimented me on how I look. Also, consider yourself lucky that you don't have facial hair. That way you don't have to shave every morning. I wish I didn't have facial hair sometimes.

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