
No flow from keg?

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I have cleaned and sanitized the keg. I attached the ball lock disconnects. They seem to grip loosely "wiggle back and forth" but do not attach any more snugly to the ports. Are they attached properly? If I push down any more, they do not want to attach tighter. I attached Grey (gas) for IN and Black (beer) for OUT. I opened the gas out stem on the regulator (red handle), opened CO2 tank valve, open s***w fully. CO2 tank gauge reads about 900 and holds steady. Adjust pressure s***w to 5psi (holds steady). Spray hose connections with soapy solution, no leaks. Depress tap, NO FLOW. Currently there is sanitizing solution in the keg. I want to run it through the beverage line to sanitze, but NO FLOW. When I pull the quick release ring on the keg, there is no hiss. Does that mean there is no CO2 getting into the keg? If so, why am I getting steady readings on my gauges and no leaks with the soapy water test? How do I remedy this? What is the correct way to attach ball lock disconnects?




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