
No follicles showing up on ultrasound?

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My husband and I are going through a few tests because we have not been able to get blood work & his s***n analysis all came back normal. I had an ultrasound done on CD 12 and they said I had no follicles...the only thing they told me about this is that I wouldn't get pregnant this month. BUT...what does this mean? I don't know what the follicle thing is about...does this mean that some months you do have follicles and some you don't? Or does it mean that I may not have follicles? And what are the follicles?? I'm confused =[ Thanks!




  1. I know its confusing stuff huh!! Basically they were telling you there is no egg this month so you wont ovulate. We dont actually ovulate every single month, it can happen and is completely normal. And when we do ovulate its usually from a different ovary each month.

  2. Basically, the follicles grow on the ovary - in a normal cycle, your body will produce a few follicles, but one will go on to dominate and mature while the other follicles will fade away until you start all over again next cycle.  The mature follicle will then release an egg.  Ideally, the follicle should be reaching maturity towards the middle of your cycle . . .

    Not having follicles show on the ultrasound could mean it was an off month (we all have them) or it could indicate that you may have an ovulation issue.

    Keep working with your doctors - I would be sure to follow up on the follicles not showing on the ultrasound.

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck and baby dust!

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