
No footed push ups?

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ive seen videos of people doing push ups without letting their feet touch the ground... how would i work my way up to this? and which muscles are the most important to do this..? im a guy by the way... just using my sisters account to ask the question




  1. The issue at hand is really quite a simple one and one not many people think about when weightlifting. If you're using any type of two handed or controlled device you are working a set group of muscles. These are generally the bigger groups or "showy" muscles. What happens then when you're farting around and try to do something with a limb outside the "normal" range you did while working out you will find that you are weak.

    There are little muscle groups around every jointed or flexable area in your body. These muscles are generally known as the stabalizer muscle groups. If you don't train these they will become weaker than they should be and the bigger groups have to compensate, though when that happens the fulcrums are off and the proper tension and support cannot be attaind.

    So workout with freeweight dumbells not barbells. Train in everyday type motions. Slowly, as to not harm yourself. You can also start elevating your feet like on a chair/bed/desk and on and on until you are able to have the stabalizing strength to do the no foot pushup.

    Though I don't know what this has to do with Martial Arts.

  2. Those require the use of basically all your muscles. In particular though, you will need really strong shoulders for your body size, a decent amount of strength in your tri's and a very strong core (upper/lower back, abs).

  3. break dancers use those kind of movements in their routines, you might have better luck asking them.

  4. First you have to be able to do a handstand really well...

    To develop the muscles to do this, you can do shoulder press with a barbell or dumbells.  You can also do push-ups with your butt sticking way up in the air, then come down and touch your forehead to the ground, so you are using your shoulder muscles.  You can also do a handstand with your toes resting against a wall and practice doing push-ups that way.  Good luck.

    Or are you talking about the flat push-ups where you have your hands way down by your hips?  If so, I can't help you.  I saw a video of a guy doing them, but lord knows how.  I think you need insane gymnast strength for those.

  5. In capoeira we do this move as a trick.

    basically you do a handstand and go down and back up.

    the muscles used are the same as in a regular push up but you need a lot more strength in your shoulders and triceps.  But  the rest of the arms and chest are in this too.

    Best bet would be to head down the gym and start training.

    theoretically if you are able to use a weight similar to your own bodyweight you should be able to pull this off.
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