
No girls equals Depression?

by  |  earlier

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I am 20 and have not been with a girl in like 8 months or slightly more and it feels like forever. I feel kind of depressed lately but i don't know why and i would really like to have some companionship. i have been with like 4 girls in my life but all party type girls in party type situations. Am i destined to be alone or can i change or am i just not patient enough? Relationships don't necessarily seem worth it to me but could this be why i am depressed? Most people in serious relationships seem to be very unhappy. I feel there is no right answer.




  1. So you want a relationship but feel that you will be unhappy in one?  You sound extremely fickle.  And Jesus, you're only twenty.  It's not like you kick the bucket at 35.  You just need to wait for the right girl.

  2. Well people look to be in a relationship so they can feel loved and cared for. Something family can give but in a different way. Good things come to those who wait, so just wait and I'll come to you. Being in a relationship is a great thing, if you honestly felt like it wasnt worth it then you wouldn't be asking this question. Just wait & make sure the person you're going to be with it someone you want to be with.

  3. Just not patient enough.

  4. lol yeah dude, its been way too long. if you go to bed at night feeling unsatisfied its cuz you want a girl next to you. so i say you go out in the next few days, and try to get one at any cost. even if it means just straight up saying hi and asking her name. youd be suprised at how well that works sometimes. but yeah dude, try to get as many girls as you can! you'll start feeling better. and be cocky and careless about it. don't act desperate lol good luck

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