
No group support the PP in the elimination of universal justice

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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The PP will only Tuesday in the full Congress in the consideration of the bill limiting the universal call to let justice at all. No other group -ready support the reform of the Organic Law of the Judiciary which essentially seeks to end with, especially with China open investigation of genocide in Tibet diplomatic conflicts prosecuting offenses outside Spanish territory. PP spokesman, Alfonso Alonso, expressly admitted that his interest is to eliminate the universal justice because " only causes conflicts."

The Ministry of Justice has given up on changing the rule for the bill and has used this term via the unusual proposition of PP to circumvent the mandatory reports of the General Council of the Judiciary, the Audit Committee and the State Council. The text of the PP is so restrictive that limits drug bust at sea, the fight against pedophilia and mutilation and forced to file summary like the death chamber Tele 5 José Couso in Iraq.

All other groups have rejected the initiative and so defend in full. In 2009 the government of José Luis RodrÃ_guez Zapatero held a first pruning of universal justice, but according to the PP and other parties. The PSOE spokesman, Soraya Rodriguez, tried on Tuesday to force a request to report to the Judiciary, appealing to a precedent of legal reform. The PP rejected in Mesa CiU abstained. The representative of CiU, Jordi Jané, said his group does not support the reform arises. Explain that CiU has consistently refrained when it comes to asking such reports. The PSOE has appealed the rejection of PP and will answer today. The reform could be in place within a month and will file dozens of summaries.

The severe reduction of the space of universal justice has negatively surprised an important sector of judges and prosecutors of the National Court, which considered from two aspects. A group of lawyers emphasizes the fact that Spain no longer be a country leader in the protection of human rights and the prosecution of crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Another group emphasizes that the text submitted by the PP open spaces of impunity that impede the investigation of serious crimes that are transnational organized crime such as drug trafficking and leaves unprotected victims of crimes such as trafficking in women and genital mutilation. Some judges ponder the possibility of raising questions of constitutionality as they are being forced to file the cause of universal justice that are open, since they understand that there could be a breach of international agreements signed by Spain.

Human Rights organizations like Amnesty International pro Association and Human Rights Watch, among others, have issued a statement reminding the agreements signed by Spain and regret that interfere with the independence of the judiciary.

 Tags: elimination, Justice, PP, support, universal


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