
No items on my yahoo?

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Lots of questions on this one - no answers! I am getting "no items" for Rueters, AP, Space, TechWeb and USA Today when I look at My Yahoo! from my computer. When I look with my mobile phone, all the new items are listed. Is there a conflict or something?




  1. I am having the same issue.  Started about two days ago.  When I access My Yahoo from home PC I get the "no items" message on about 80% of my content.  When I access from my work PC everything comes up.

    Does anyone know what is causing this?  I haven't adjusted any of my settings.  I can only assume this is a problem on Yahoo's end?

    Help!!!! (please)

  2. Same thing here. At least there's comfort in knowing there are many of us out there. Yahoo! What gives? I've already set up a Google homepage (which I like far less), but I'm going to have to set it as my home soon. I can't take much more of this...

  3. Sounds like a firewall or proxy problem to me.

  4. I have had the exact same experience and have located no source of help except for scrolling thru these questions/answers. One person indicated that Yahoo is trying to drive users away from Internet Explorer, but that seems sorta silly due to the saturation of the market by MS & IE. I sent an email to Yahoo Security because, for all I know, Yahoo may have been hacked. . .

  5. Same problem here.  About 1 time in 10 my news will show up.  I use Safari on my iMac and IE on my PC.  It must be a Yahoo problem and I hope they will fix it soon.

  6. Any solutions to this?  I'm having the exact same items on my home PC but working properly on my work PC.

    No 'timing out' occurring so refeshing has no affect at all.


  7. The problem seems to be Yahoo's. I have three different computers using two different hispeed internet sources. Im using two different firewalls on two, and no firewall on the third. I'm using three different browsers on each. When "no items" shows on "My Yahoo", it shows the same lack of results on ALL systems. Eventually, the content comes back; sometimes in minutes, sometimes in hours. It's been getting worse, lately. I am a qualified computer consultant, and have come to see that the problem is not the firewall, version of IE or internet provider. That only leaves yahoo's servers as the source.

  8. Same thing here.  It happened a month ago too and resolved itself, and now it's happening again.  At work everything is fine, but at home the only feeds I get are the New York Times Home Page and Reuters U.S. Market.

  9. Sorry, not an answer.  I've been having the same problem for a couple of weeks now.  I am using IE 7, and having no problems reaching any other sites.  Also, when I go to Yahoo (not My Yahoo) I can see plenty of stories from the sources that show "no items" on My Yahoo.

    I've tried adding as a trusted site, always allowing cookies from, deleting and re-adding a news module.  So far, nothing has worked.  Any other ideas?

  10. I'm having the same problem.. can't find anything out from yahoo ... seems they are loosing their ability to manage their software and interact with their users.
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