
No longer comfortable with thought of retirement?

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My husband left me rather than listen to anything negative about his cleaning lady whom he feesl sorry for (came back a few hours later). Some history...She's married to my brother, told me 4 years ago that he only had 18 months to live but he doesn't want the family to know. I don't care what anyone thinks, that is a sick lie.

A year ago she told my husband I had been lieing and spreading rumors about her. She was yapping instead of cleaning??. He defended her but finally realized I hadn't said a thing about her.

Lately he has been trying to talk me into retiring. I'm remembering that for a couple of hours, when my husband of 34 years walked out in support of another woman, I was so thankful that I had a good job and could support myself. I don't know how to tell him that this is the reason I hesitate to leave my job. I don't want to start another argument over this woman who is clearly not worth the effort.

He always says once a woman (or man I guess) cheats on her spouse, she is a cheater and you can never trust her again. So I am thinking that if he walked out on me so easily once, albeit he came back and has been wonderful ever since, I fear he could do it again.

What should I tell him if he keeps asking why I won't retire?




  1. sorry but you sound like a complete nightmare to live with. He went out for a couple of hours he didn't leave you. Also 'his cleaning lady' is in fact family. If you go on like this at home I am surprised he has not gone permanetly  

  2. I think you are wise to postpone retiring, given the circumstances.

    Reasons to give (pick what works):

    1. You like your work

    2. You don't think the fund is big enough.

    3. Continued health benefits

    4. Retirement is boring

    Here are some articles:

  3. "First of all, darling, I love my job. Second, I feel strong and confident when I can bring home a paycheck. Third, retiring would make me feel old. I'm just not ready."

    Sounds like there are some other issues at play. After 34 years, I say it's worth working out.  

  4. tell him how you love your job and get so much satisfaction from it

  5. Tell him that you are not ready to retire yet and that you are wanting to get a pension from work or social security or whatever, before you will be ready.  If he doesn't understand that then I really don't know what else you could do.

  6. You say he says once a cheater, always a cheater. Why not use that reasoning against him?  You've been betrayed before and you have a right to be worried. Tell him you will decide when you are ready to stop working but until then he needs to get off your back.

    I honestly don't know what to say about the cleaning lady business because I don't know what your question was there. Maybe you shouldn't have her cleaning your house if you guys don't get along though.

  7. Tell him how you honestly feel.  He's your husband and he should listen and compromise,just as he would expect you to do.

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