
No military background for Pres.

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how do you expect someone to lead this country when in times of war when they have never been in the military.




  1. There have been numerous presidents  who have not been to war. There have been numerous presidents who have never served in the some basic history courses.

  2. By that standard, only someone who was a commanding officer during combat should be qualified. So, of course, you're saying that until the military changes, a woman can never be president. And you're also saying that Kerry was a better candidate than Bush. But, basically, military experience is not even close to necessary. As long as the president is intelligent and has solid advisers, he or she does not need to have been in the military in order to lead during war.

  3. Ask G. W. Bush

  4. exactly what im wondering....


  5. You mean like such horrible presidents such as Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Thomas Jefferson

  6. Please, let's not use this stupid argument against Senator Obama when  there are so many more legitimate reasons that he should not be President.

    Many Presidents had no military-combat experience, it does not mean a thing.  

    This was the same argument the Democrats were using against Bush in '04 when they were touting Kerry as a "War Hero" with "Combat Experience".  I find it highly amusing that now they are belittling Senator McCain's war experience and say that "No Military Experience is better than having it!"

    This is a total flip-flip from their 2004 stance.  Anyway, please go after Senator Obama for more legitimate reasons like: He was the most Liberal voter in the Senate last year, he plans to raise all kinds of taxes to support new and cumbersome government programs like "Nationalized Health care", he and his wife are racists that belonged to a racist church for 20+ years, etc. etc.  

    Don't worry about the non-military thing, lots of Presidents weren't in combat ever.

    Hope this helps!

    Edit: Captain Kookoo, do a little fact-checking.  John Kerry never even came close to winning a Navy Cross.  Basic research is your friend.

  7. Well it didnt seem to bother anybody much in 2004, when the choices were between a man who earned a Navy Cross in Vietnam (second only to the Medal of Honor) and was wounded three times, and a guy who used the influence of his US senator granddaddy to get what every draft eligible man in the country at the time wanted - a place in the National Guard.  And then couldnt even show up for his weekends because he was too busy off working to get Richard Nixon reelected.  To say nothing of outright draft dodgers like Cheney.

    EDIT:  Crown Pub., 2001. Gerald Nicosia's "Home to War: A History of the Vietnam Veterans' Movement",  (pp70-71) "Kerry had had an action-filled tour as a swift-boat commander in Vietnam, where he was severely wounded in an ambush, gaining three Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, in addition to the Silver Star, which by all rights should have been a Navy Cross. But Admiral Elmo 'Bud' Zumwalt Jr. had intercepted the paperwork for Kerry's Navy Cross and changed it to a lesser award so that he could approve it himself (the Navy Cross requires congressional approval) and pin it on Kerry a few days later, as an 'impact award,' to boost morale."  

    That sounds "close" to me, but I dont have to lie to try to prove my point.  I bet if you could FIND a Republican to point to with similar service it would be WAR HERO and not "war hero", with "combat experience".  Distortions and misrepresentations are your friend.

  8. If you knew anything you'd know that America's greatest wartime president, Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt, who served 4 terms, including in ww2 never served in the military. The president does not implement and plan war strategy. That is what the Joint Chiefs of Staff do.

  9. Unfortunately, the constitution only has three requirements:

                1) must be a natural born citizen

                2) must be at least 35 years old

                3) must have lived in the US for at least 14 years

    There are more minimum requirements to be a manager at McDonald's then there are to be President.

    I cherish the freedoms afforded to me by the constitution but a little revision in certain areas would do nothing but good.

  10. yea, i think that anyone who is going to lead a country in times of war should at least have some history with the military  

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