
No more bottle for my one year old!

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my son is one year and 4 days and i wanted him to be off the bottle by one. he hasn't had a bottle since tuesday and it is now thursday night. hes on homo milk and before only had 2 bottles a day, a 6 oz at nap time in the afternoon and 8 oz at bedtime. he has took all his naps and went to bed without the bottle no problem so far. the only problem is i can't get him to drink his milk, he won't drink much out of a cup and neither out of his sippy cup. i've tried it cold and warmed up. does anyone have any suggestions? he has one favorite sippy cup that he drinks his water out of everyday but when theres milk in there he stops and spits it out..




  1. Just be patient. I'm trying to bottle break my little girl who turned a year old on Monday (4th) and I only wish she would go to bed and nap without her bottle! I'd just keep working with him. My little girl hated drinking her milk out of sippy cups and cups with straws, but she drinks just fine now *except for nap time and night time!* Good luck!

  2. great birthday present!!  toss them in the garbage and continue using the sippy cups at meals.  milk is okay in recipes & cereal -consider soy or almond milk since it doesn't come from a strange species.  keep the cups filled with water.

  3. my son was like that i took the bottle away throw it in the bin so i couldnt give in and he went off milk and would drink it and now he is six and still realy doesnt like milk

    dont push it i wouldnt i would rather him have a bottle at that age then no milk at all

    oh well i learn't by my mistake

  4. Try a straw cup.  There are some great ones on the market for kids ages 12 months and up.  My son never took a bottle a day in his life, but he loved the straw cups over traditional sippy cups.  Also, I suggested them to my sister - in - law when her youngest was refusing the sippy.  She tried it, and it worked like a charm.

    Good luck, and kudos to you for being so committed to getting your son off the bottle.  

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