
No more bottles for my one year old? HELP!?

by Guest63606  |  earlier

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My son has just turned 1. He was breast and bottle fed (breast milk) from birth up until 10 months old. He now drinks organic whole milk from a bottle during his nap and at bedtime. I always take the bottle of of his crib when he falls asleep and when he wakes up we brush his teeth and use our flouride drops. For the remainder of the day, he drinks water from sippy cups. At his check up last week, the doctor advised that we need to stop giving him bottles completely. I tried giving him a sippy cup with milk at nap time, just so that we could begin the transition, and he screamed bloody murder for 10 minutes. I gave in and brought him a bottle. I am worried that he is not learning to self-soothe himself to sleep but I'm also not ready to just take his bottles away from him. I'm trying to be a good mom - has anyone been through this? Thank you for your help!




  1. Well I gave my daughter water in her bottle. She wouldnt drink it and just stopped taking the bottle.

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself!  He is already using the cup during the day so you are already almost there.  It is no big deal if it takes him a bit longer to give up the bottle.

    There are these sippy cups called "Nuby" cups, they have a silicone spout, so it has the feeling of a bottle nipple...those are really good for transitioning.

    Also maybe start giving milk at mealtimes so he learns to expect it outside of his crib.

    Is there anything else that can be special for bedtime?  The bottle is more of a security blanket than anything...maybe a toy or a blanket or something to replace it?

    And you know what, if you just aren't ready right now...give him another month!  Like you said, you brush his teeth and he is already using the cup during the day, you aren't hurting him.  Don't doubt your parenting skills!  Being a mom is one guilt trip after another.  Besides,  he may need a little more time to give it up as well.  

    (PS my first baby gave it up cold turkey at 12 second baby is 17 months and still has one bottle at bedtime.)

  3. The slow and gradual process would entail watering down the milk in the bottle, start with 1/2 milk, 1/2 water.....then every day use more water than milk until the bottle is all water....chances are by them he won't be interested. If he still wants the bottle...start cutting down the amount of water....if you are giving him an 8 oz bottle, only put 6 oz of water the first night or nap time, then every time reduce it a little bit until it's zero. He might get a bit upset about the amount, but he will most definitely survive and you aren't hurting him a bit. Offer him a cup before nap and bed....he will pick up the routine quickly. Be forewarned though, kids are acutely aware of the point at which you will cave and they will push you to that point regularly if they know it will get them what they want. Be firm, be consistent...that is the key.

    Cold turkey involves just doing away with the bottles, you will have to listen to some screaming for a couple of days....but it usually is over quickly.

    All depends on your approach and what you can tolerate.

  4. one year olds should still get a bottle - they are only babies once - my kids had bottles for bedtime and naptime until they were 2

  5. My ped told me not to take the bottle away until I was sure my son would drink milk regularly from a sippy.  So to start giving milk in the sippy during the day first, until he was used to it.  The trick is that you don't want them to stop drinking milk, just because they stop drinking the bottle, so you should make the trainsition slow and gradual.

    With that said, I still let my son have his milk from the bottle before nap and bedtime - and he's almost 2...we give him the bottle, then brush his teeth, then read books, etc. and put him in his crib...I guess I just feel like, if that's his worst habit (along with 20 minutes of Go Diego Go every now and then) so be it.  When I have the energy to really tackle it, I'll make the switch to no bottle - it will take a few weeks of "retraining" - in the meantime, he's happy, well nourished and well rested. :-)

  6. I would start putting milk in a sippy cup, once a day, during meal time, to allow your son to adjust to idea milk can come from a cup.

    Then, start cutting back on how much milk goes into his bottle at nap/bed time. Slowly, over the next few weeks easy him off the bottle.

    If that does not work, you can water down the milk. Once the change has been made to water, put it in a sippy cup and give it to him.

    Good luck.

  7. HI try "nubby" sippy cups i have an 11month old and she wouldn't take a sippy cup to save her life...i tried nubbys and they work awesome...she  uses them and i've gotten rid of her bottles and she made no fuss...

  8. You gave in.  That's the problem.  Don't give in.  Let him cry to sleep.  You are giving in and giving him the bottle.  That is why he is not learning to self-soothe himself.  10 minutes is nothing.

  9. start giving him milk in the sippy and water in the bottle.  He will prefer the milk over the water.  Also, if you choose to go cold turkey, you have to have the guts to stick by it.  By giving in, that taught him that if he screams hard and long enough, you will give in.  good luck hun

  10. It might take a few days but he will stop screaming. Better to stop now then try to stop later. Also try water in a sippy cup instead of milk.

  11. I just got my daughter off the bottle. It took one week. I only offered her water in the bottle, and I only offered the bottle at night (it's the hardest step to break). During the day as long as I knew she was just fine, I would let her whine if she was upset about not having the bottle. I would try to get her mind off of it by paying more attention to her, remember, they look at the bottle as a dear friend so they need extra attention.. Eventually she realized it was gone and almost forgot about it. It was in no way "easy" but it happened a lot quicker than I thought. I was hard for ME to throw her bottles away! LOL

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