
No more caffeine?

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what can i do or drink when i need some energy?

i used to drink monster but i sstopped doing that.

im trying to force myself to become a morning person since schools starting soon.

because of this im really tired in th e morning.




  1. try those drinks

    that you put in your water

    and it gives you energy for like

    5 hours and it have no caffiene

  2. coffe, sugar, protein ,sugar pills stuff likke that lol idn

  3. If you're tired but don't want to drink energy drinks, then try exercising. Exercising will make you feel tired at first, but in the end it will pay off and you'll have more energy.

    Also, make sure you are properly hydrated by drinking water. Try to drink more than 32 ounces per day. This will help keep your energy level up.

  4. Believe it or not just water really helps. When properly hydrated water actually increases our motabolism and energy levels by 3%. We need 1 ounce for every 2 pounds of body weight plus 8 more ounces for every 20 minute of exercise. With hot/dry days and climates even more is needed. We can get some from foods and other drinks. However caffeine dehydrates so it doesn't count towards water intake.

    Proper nutrition also increases enregy levels. You need to take a good quality supplement though. Most store bought items simply are not worth the money. Esepcially the cheap ones. The old saying "you get what you pay for" is very true with supplements.

    Now for energy you can take an extra multi B supplement, and ginseng with ginko biloba.

    Don't forget to get enough sleep. There is simply no replacement for it.

    Now if you do this and still need a boost don't worry cause it does happen. Why do you think coffee and energy drinks are so popular anyhow? You can still have one if you want.

    However if you are trying to avoid caffeine then I reccomend a caffeine free one. XS Energy has 3 caffeine free drinks out of the 13 they make. They pioneered the energy drink with tons of B vitamins over 6 years ago so they can do it without caffeine. They are healthy drinks so don't worry.

    XS has 0 sugar, 0 carbs, 8 calories, low sodium, and 3 caffeine free versions. They taste better than anything in the stores. They have the largest variety. They have a 100% guarantee. If you don't like them return the rest for free and get a full refund. How can you beat that? ALL of this is why they are the 2nd largest energy drink behind Red Bull and the fastest growing. If you want to try some just ask.

  5. Caffeine in moderation is harmless even though it's addictive!

    If you drink two or three cups of coffee in a day it shouldn't cause you any problems so you don't need to cut it out completely.

    If you do try to give up caffeine, take it slowly and reduce the dosage over a period of several weeks or even months; stopping straight away will cause nasty physical withdrawal symptoms.

    Finding an alternative source of energy is easy enough, a couple of bananas will have plenty of natural sugars to keep you going for hours.

  6. caffeine withdrawal gives you bad headaches

  7. The best way to maintain your energy level is by light exercise, several times a day.  Since you're in school, you're sure to have gym class, so rearrange your schedule if you can to make gym happen in the morning.  

    If you can't do that, then take at least 15 minutes in the morning to do some light exercise.  Morning is not a good time to stretch, though you should still warm up for 5 minutes.  Go outside, and walk briskly or take a 1/5 run (meaning 1 minute, you're running, 5 minutes you're walking fast).  If outside is not happening because of weather, do alternate jumping jacks and situps at home.  You should be able to stretch after you've exercised for 5 minutes.

    Here are some calisthenics videos that you can do anytime, or at home:

    To avoid sugar-crash, try to get used to one or more diet drinks.  Some of the effects of caffeine are mental, you think "Ahh... that's what I needed."  So if you find a similar drink to what you were drinking before (I assume, soda?), then your mind will still have its thoughts, but without the sugar and caffeine.  I've become a huge fan of ginger ale (diet), for example.

    School is hard without caffeine because you're sitting in a chair listening to someone talk all day.  So try to find ways to get a little more exercise in.  Pick two or three classes between the hours of 1 pm and the end of the school day, and in rotation, excuse yourself for a "bathroom break" but instead of smoking in the bathroom, do 10 jumping jacks.  

    There are other things that give you energy:  vitamin C is a good alternative.  You can't overdose on it (but it can give you diarrhea if you have too much - over 5 grams usually).  So look into Emergen-C as a morning drink.  You may be able to find it at the grocery store, but if it's not there, try the health food store.  You can add it to your orange juice if you drink that in the morning anyway.  The fizzing is fun to watch too.

    My advice to you is, go slow in reducing the caffeine, caffeine withdrawal headache is not a joke.  Each week, take in half of the amount of caffeine you did previously, until it's practically none.  Try to skip caffeine in the evening, once you have no caffeine after about 3PM, you'll be able to sleep more deeply, and wake up more refreshed.  

    Set your alarm clock to ring at a good time to get to school now, and keep it there, even on weekends.  Pick a day of the month, say the 15th, and sleep in on the closest Sat or Sun each month, if you really feel the need to "catch up" on sleep.  Once you've done this for 3 months, your ability to wake up at that time may become so good, you might wake up before the alarm rings.  

    If you can't get to sleep at night, then try over the counter sleep medicine to get to sleep.  Take it a good amount of time before you need to be asleep, say 1 hour.  You only need to do this for a brief period of time to reset your internal clock.  Don't keep it up for longer than 1 week.  If you need more help getting to sleep, you should talk to a doctor and explain what you're trying to do.  Any doctor would be all for your plan to stop using caffeine.

    Try a very hot shower in the morning.  Some people feel it helps them wake up.  Or try finishing your shower by turning down the hot water until the water is uncomfortably cold.  

    Light therapy is also good:

    The easiest way to get blue light in the morning is to just turn on the TV - some people can't get up in the morning without the TV on, and this is part of the reason why.  CRT TV's are better for this purpose. The second easiest way is to go outside before dawn.  

    Good luck!

  8. Stop all caffeine.  If you stop some of it and not all of it your body will overreact when you drink SOME of it.

    drink plenty of water and get a lot of rest and take your vitamins with some extra B12!     Soon the caffeine will be out of your body and your mornings will be better.

    If you are tired in the are not getting enough sleep!

  9. Try going to bed earlier and stay of sugar hours before bed or caffeine and take a pill form of energy pills if you just need too.

  10. Nothing like a BIG glass of ice cold Water a couple times a day.

  11. Some protein powder, water, vitamins, and a little sugar will really get you going and help you have a good day, free of caffeine hangover.

    I like chocolate Nutrimeal along with Essentials.

  12. eat breakfast, its the most important meal of the day. have a bowl of honey nut cheerios.

  13. coffee might work, or i like to work out in the A.M, it wakes me up. But since your going to school you probally cant do that.

    You can also try setting your alarm to go off when your supposed to get up before school starts so its easier for you. It will be like routine, getting up at the same time.   Hope this helps.

  14. i drink milk in the morning bc water tast funny right when i wake up

  15. I quit drinking Sugar Free Red Bull 2 weeks, or so ago, and starting drinking Cranergy, by OceanSpray. It has B vitamins, and no caffeine. It's working very well. I did have headaches for about a week, but now I am fine. Breakfast helps a great deal too. Go to bed at the same time every night too, that seems to help with my morning energy level.
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