
No more kids after one?

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anyone out there wanted more kids than one, and then when they had one found out they didnt want more. i love my little one, but the more i think about it... i dunno, can you give me some pro's and con's to both. thanks




  1. Truthfully?  I wish my parents had stopped with me... raise just one.

    And one child isn't lonely either, as parents might think. And there is as well, no guarantee that they would even like each other.....if that's what you had in mind.

    In 30 years, our little planet will go from 6.5 Billion, already toooo many people, to 8.3... one ******** mess, here on planet earth... go to for lotsa info.

    I already know that few kids will have the lovely childhood I did, and in part it is because of poorer education-- --our government just doesn't spend what it ought to on our population... so if you wish YOUR child to have a good education, you, hon, will have to provide beyond age 18, unlike other countries, say, in Europe...

    Now, there is barely a middle class any more, and the cost now of raising just one is $250,000 to age 18 (yahoo figure several months ago).  It wasn't always so much in comparison to what people made.

    Walk thru Walmart, and Costco... those gomers still working at 74 aren't there because they are bored, they are there because they are broke!!!!! and that minimum wage is the difference between eating, or medical expenses.... firstly, they never thought they'd live this long, and secondly, with two 8 term presidents in 30 years  spending us into debt we never anticipated, they simply can't gone to wars ought to be spent on our citizens ... health insurance, education, and the like.

    (Read John Adams by David McCollough.  you'll get a clear understanding of how far afield this economy and its spending has shifted from kids, to guns.)

    In your place, I would be delighted to care for and educate one child  very well--symphony tickets every season, starting very soon, private music and art lessons, ballet lessons, a horse, camping, summer camp... all this stuff costs mega buckos, hon, way beyond the $250K... that amount is just a full belly, tv, cell phone, texting, and some dope in high school.... not even braces.

  2. Just wait it out.  You might find after your little one isn't so little any more that you want another one.  My kids are all 4 1/2 to 5 yrs apart.  Each time I sent one to Kindergarten, I had a newborn at home.  I have three.  Now my third is going into 1st grade, and I am so ready to have them all off to school!

  3. I always wanted a boy and girl and was blessed with having twins first pregnancy and even more lucky having boy/girl twins so that's enough for us now we wouldn't be able to cope or afford any more children if i am honest,  

  4. the best way to do it, is if you want another baby, wait until your current child is out of diapers and old enough as to where you do not have to provide constant supervision, we are waiting until my daughter is in 1st grade or so to try for another baby. It just seems easier to us if we wait until then. just think, you dont want 2 kids in diapers, di you? that is my biggest issue, plus if we wait till my daughter is about 5-6, she can help with small house hold chores which makes a BIG difference with 2 children!

  5. I never wanted just 1 kid.  Who would they grow up with, play with, make childhood memories with - no one!  How boring.  Plus who would they get to help them take care of you when you get old.  No one.

    I personally never wanted 2 kids in diapers at the same time.  So, I had my 2nd when my 1st was 2 years and 9 months old.  The first was just in pullups at that time.  Worked out great.  Then we waited 4 1/2 years before adding #3 - the two older ones are in school and then we have the younger one.  We're done at 3.  Everyone's different, those are just my reasons.

  6. This is the way that I look at it.

    Pros: 1. the closer the age, the more they occupy each other.

             2. makes it easier for the teenage years-making new friends, etc.

             3. all together it is a perfect plan!

    Cons: 1. It could be more difficult to provide them with luxeries

             2. I can't think of another one!!

    I think it is a smarter decision to have kids within a 2-3 year time frame of each other!!!  

  7. I agree with the person that said to let them get out of diapers!

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