
No more smokey pubs Hooray, what do others think?

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No more smokey pubs Hooray, what do others think?





  2. it sucks !!!!!

  3. Why did it take so long? An excellent idea. I saw some girl huddling in the cold outside a Hoxton Cafe this morning, in a strapless white dress, smoking a f*g. I had to fight this sudden urge to shout "Saddo" out the car window at her.

  4. I think it is great. I hate coming home from a night at the pub and having my clothes and hair stink of smoke. I won't have to worry about it anymore!

  5. Well here in Wales we haven't had smokey pubs since April and believe me it's absolutely great, no more smelling of smoke and breathing in the disgusting stuff. People said that if they brought in the ban they wouldn't go out, but of course they still do. They just keep going in and out and stand outside in all weathers under the makeshift smoking shelters, what a way to spend an evening out! Don't feel sympathetic they haven't worried about us non smokers inhaling their nicotine all these years. Should have brought the ban in years ago, healthier lungs at last!!

  6. I am delighted that it finally came!

    It will hopefully persuede many people to consider giving up because of the inconvenience.I worked in a small pub where there was smoking allowed. My hair, clothes and even pillow would stink like smoke.I had to leave work early because i found out i was pregnant and didn't want to risk health problems for me or the baby.I started getting ashma from the second hand smoke at work.

  7. I'm delighted - looking forward to going out to my favourite pub, enjoying my food and drink without coughing, and returning home not smelling of cigarette smoke! I hope  lots of smokers will use the moment to finally give up, too.

  8. its the law now and i think its time to shut up about it  by the way im a x smoker  for 15 years

  9. Why has it taken this backward race so dam long. At least our clothes won't smell any more. These minority people with a stinking habit, (due to low self esteem) have been able to ruin meals for the majority for years. At last there is a law that makes sense and above all caters to the majority, Hopefully mothers that smoke in cars with kids finally get the message.

  10. yes its good ,just come home smelling like a bottle of beer! not an ash tray as well  !!!!

  11. well if smoking is that bad why can we still buy cigarrettes.why are'nt they banned?anyway i went to the pub today and had  a great laugh standing outside with all the other smokers.the garden was full but the pub was empty so therefore no-one was playing the machines or juke boxes great that means some of the whingeing barstaff will lose their jobs hopefully they will eff off back to ozzie /n/z.

  12. had it for ages up here - its ok and i am a smoker.

  13. oh isnt it fab,i went out last night and i had a brand new top on and everything did all my hair etc,and you come home and i absolutly stink of smoke,even my skin smelled,thank god now i can go out without coming home with red bloodshot eyes!!

  14. Utter discrimination!

    Think about it for a sec, why suddenly the big hooha? To save the planet? BULLSH...

    So you can die from second hand smoke? Really? What are the stats on this? How many illness can you pick up when someone coughs / sneezes in your direction? But they are not lethal? Actually they are, the only difference is that they are now curable through our medical advances. So basically when they (note WHEN not IF) find the cure for lung cancer etc caused by all forms of smoking they should make smoking acceptable again. Same thing isnt it?

    There are many many other illnesses that causes deaths far more rapidly and far less curable

    I think the governements should pay all human kind some sort of monetary compensation for all the years of smoking allowed because it streamlined their pockets while doing so. They knew RIGHT FROM THE START that it is not healthy.

    Hypocrasy...greed...human kind....

  15. How did Timsdad get to be top contributor when he can't even finish the answer? About time to..... what?

  16. Quite possibly, pretty soon, no more pubs (except Yates's, All Bar One and similar dumps for the kiddiewinks).

    When choice is eliminated by statute law, freedom is similarly culled. It would have been perfectly possible for pubs to either be smoking or non-smoking, or to have two separate bars, one for dedicated non-smokers, the other for humans.

    You have got your way. How would you like it if I was as selfish as you - I'd play white noise over all radio channels except those that broadcast classical, jazz or folk music, and we would have one TV channel that would show a mixture on news, documentaries on such subjects as the camouflage of reptiles, and cricket. No more footie - hooray! No other TV channel would be allowed.

    I really do not feel that you have grasped the anger that a lot of people feel over this piece of unneccesary restriction.

    If you and your ilk wish to take us to live in the equivalent of Enver Hoxha's Albania, so be it. Frankly, I'd spit on your grave.

  17. I have refused to go into a pub or any place that has a smokey atmosphere for many years now, including my village local. Today in about 5 minutes I am going to take a walk, with my brolly, to the pub and enjoy the experience. I have vowed to become a regular there now.

    I also refused to eat where the restaurant was split between smoking and non smoking as it never worked very well. Now I can eat out in comfort.

    One of the best new laws.

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