
No movement at 18 weeks?

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I'm in the mid 18 week mark, and before I would feel flutters every now and then. The last couple days I have barely felt anything. I know it's probably normal, just wondering if anyone else has been like that. This is my 2nd pregnancy, so I thought I would feel movement sooner this time. (kicking) When will I start to feel the "real"kicks", and is it normal to feel the small movements on and off for a day or two? Thanks in advance. xx




  1. if your that worried call the doctor and go in and check the heartbeat.i wouldn't worry you just haven't noticed.

  2. It's pretty normal. When I was 18 weeks I would feel movement and then could go a whole week without feeling anything. It was stressful because I am a first time mom and was scared to death something had happened to her, but she is just fine.

  3. I felt some movements that i thought could be the baby around 18-19 weeks but it wasn't until week 22 or 23 I really started to feel anything definite. Its so special. : )

  4. I've been the same way. I'll feel the flutters one day and then the next few days I don't notice a thing. I think it has to do with the size of the baby at this point and that they're just not that strong yet. I read an article on one of the baby sites that says it is absolutely normal to go a few days without feeling anything this early in the game.

  5. Yes this is normal!  I am pregnant with my 3rd and I did not feel "for sure" movement until 20 weeks.  I thought the same thing about since it was my 3rd that I should feel the movement earlier.  Wait a couple more weeks and you should get the pop you are looking for.  I am now 21 weeks and saw my baby doing all kinds of moves on a sonogram the other day that I still cannot feel.  Good luck to you.

  6. I used to constantly feel flutters and then nothing. Though my scanned showed that the baby was very healthy. It wasnt till I was about 22 weeks or so that I felt the first kick and since that time on the baby is constantly moving. Yes it normal to feel only a few moments a day. Wait till the baby gets bigger then they are constantly. Good luck!

  7. i never felt ANYTHING until 18 weeks and then it was only once or twice a day when i was being completely still and paying attention. it's nothing to worry about, you probably just haven't been paying attention at the right times during the day.  

  8. im the same and this is my 7th bub 8th pregnancy due to a loss i feel small movement but by 20 weeks there allot stronger some times i only feel the bub a couple of times a day then its full on im now 22 weeks give it a couple of more weeks  

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