
No one's posted anything about the Exeter Bomber...?

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Anyone see anything interesting?

Anyone got a theory?

I like this one:




  1. what a knobber... couldn't even blow himself up properly

  2. I live really close to where it went off. It was a white converted islam extreamist. one bomb detonated injurying only the bloke who set it off and 2 more were made safe.

  3. I theorise that he's an illiterate impressionable fool who thankfully failed to complete what must be one of the simplest tasks you can ask a terrorist to carry out. Good.

    My theory is based on the evidence presented to me on forums and websites that contain fundamentalist quotes where they usually come across as being unable to grasp the most simple concepts and are usually unable to even read or write properly. Also, if we take a look at a lot of Western converts, you'll notice that they struggle to read what they must have practised saying a dozen times before being filmed, and based on personal experience with more 'fundamental' religious zealots, it's unlikely they've even read the scriptures of 'peace and love' they seem so determined to spread fear and hate for.

    Personally I don't see why we don't just drop them out in the middle of an ocean (any will do) and see if their God helps them make it back to land to die another day.


    i was not in the city centre when it happened thank god, a friend of mine was although not near the bombing, but she did have to leave her car there as the police would not allow her near it , so a trip back on the train, then back up today to collect the car, he was lucky not to have killed anyone, if he wants to be a martyr then let it be his own life he takes, and no-one Else's.

  5. that is a good link.  very funny, thankyou.

  6. He is apparently something of a social r****d. He was easy to recruit because he wanted to make friends with someone, according to a neighbour of his.

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