
No one answered me about diovan helps water weight or gas?

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No one answered me about diovan helps water weight or gas?




  1. water weight is easy to shed.  when you quit eating salty foods, your body will flush away excess water weight.  The thing is, your body is 98% water so when you need to drink water or anything because you are thirsty....... Generally speaking the only time a person has excess water weight is if they happen to be retaining fluids because of excess salt consumption, are premenstrual or have heart or kidney issues.

  2. water weight sounds healther but  i dont completly fully understand th question your asking

  3. The gas is listed as one of the "digestive side-effects" of taking the medication.

  4. Why would you think a BP med would help with gas? If it was the old time diuretic or Diovan/HCT it would remove water.

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