
No one died on this date

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is there a date wherein no one died? or.. is there a way to answer my question? ha ha




  1. The time between the formation of the earth, and the evolution of the first humans, if that's how you define "no one". That would make it from between 4.5 billion years ago to 200.000 years ago (rough estimates nicked from wikipedia).

    These days with 6 billion of us walking the planet I think you'd be hard pressed to find a minute where no one died.

  2. Technically, on the first day of creation, (believe whatever source of creation you like) no one died.

  3. No every day of every year someone is born- and every day someone dies. I wish it didn't have to be that way. :c

  4. No-one died (or were born) on the dates September 3 through September 13, 1752. These were the missing 11 days used to bring the Julian and Gregorian calendars into line.              

  5. the answer is yes....there would be a date that exists that pre-dates humans and on that day...and every day before one died.

  6. As another poster said, the date of creation up until Cain killed Abel. Otherwise I'm sure someone has died everyday.

  7. People die every day, period

  8. Only the day after Judgment Day, if it exists.

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