
No one mentions health care anymore. Is that because neither candidate has a viable plan or solution...?

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0 LIKES UnLike America's rising health care costs and rising insurance premiums?




  1. The taxpaying citizen cannot afford either of their plans, plain and simple.  ESPECIALLY when Obama wants to give all these entitlements to the illegals also??  I DON"T THINK SO

  2. Obama has the plan to allow everybody to buy into the same plan the US government offers its elected officials.

  3. One of my friend asked me a  similiar question before,we found helpful luck here.

  4. No, it is because socialists are never elected to office, and universal health care is pure socialism, and a flagrant hostile take over of 30% of the nations economy.

  5. It is a hot potato which is to easy to critique.

  6. I hear about it some... and Obama clearly has more of a plan than McCain...

    But McCain has put Obama on the defense...and that's helped get away from the issue...

    if Obama is smart... he'll come back to it...

  7. It is not as important as our national security.

    Our national security is at risk all the time, but more so right now.  Russia is planning something, and we have to WIN the war in Iraq... not just "end it."

    Our health care and social issues are very important, and our healthcare directly affects the economy, so I'm not saying its irrelevant.  But we have to focus on other things first... including drilling here and drilling now.  This will help eleviate some of our problems with national security so that we aren't relying on terroristic countries for oil.

    Aside from that, our healthcare system is far and above better than most any other country's systems... so that is another reason it isn't a huge priority.

  8. Congress will come up with a better plan.

    But McCain wants your employer-paid premiums to count as taxable income.  You folks must love that.

  9. As long as health care in America is for profit industry and viewed as a privilege rather than a right, health care will always be in turmoil, which is due to rising health care costs and rising premiums along with other factors such as high doctor salaries and extremely expensive machines.

    America must and should strive for preventive health care instead of reactive health care like every other developed country.

  10. Obama is very concerned about the health care issues this country faces. McCain doesn't seem to care but that's no surprise.

  11. Because Insurance Companies have bribed all politicians....

  12. I think Obama's health plan beats anyone else's.

  13. I think you got it right.  America can't afford to pay 700 million people's

    health care bills.  

  14. Thats right.. neither has a plan to address the 53 trillion dollar entitlement deficit.. Because that would mean fiscal responsibility.. and lobbyists dont like that!

    The "Great Society" programs have doomed our Republic to be the "Late Great Society" if we dont address our spending.

  15. It is certain

  16. YOU GOT IT! Both plans are putting band-aids where several major surgeries are needed.

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