
No one remembered my birthday?

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Yesterday was my 19th birthday and no one - except family didn't remember it. Not even the people that i call my best friends! My birthdays are never big parties, as it is in the summer holidays and usually no body's in town. I am used to that but i have never been that alone and forgotten before.. I don't know what to say to them,i can't stop talking to every one but i am really really hurt...




  1. Welcome to adult life. Once you hit 19, only your family is going to remember and care about your birthday. That's if you're lucky. It's not like you're 12 years old anymore. You have to throw your own birthday dinners and parties. It's not going to happen automatically. So next year, plan ahead. And happy birthday!!

  2. O I'm really sorry :( HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Anyway 2 ur Q I think u should just go up 2 ur friends calmly and say, "Hey I was just wondering the other day was my birthday and well u 4got and I was wondering is sumthing going on with ur family or sumthing that made u 4get? Is everything ok with u cuz I was just a little sad when u and no1 else remembered." Hope that helps

  3. hmm if you dont have a social web site like facebook of myspace then people often forget when your birthday is. im not saying you should get one. if you feelings are really hurt then you should tell your friends and they will most likely be very embaressed but you will realize how loved you are!

  4. I would definitely mention in to them next time you see them, and tell them how you feel. They probably just had a lot going on since it's summer and schools starting up again!! I've had people forget my birthday, but its understandable since no one can remember all their friends birthdays, especially during such a crazy time of the year (i'm born near holidays too) :)

  5. Happy belated birthday!

    That totally sucks.  My 19th birthday was a letdown for me too.  You could talk to them about it, or if confrontation makes you uncomfortable, you could have a mini belated birthday celebratory dinner or movie night.  Something that'll cheer you up a little and will put you at the forefront.

  6. HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY!!!  We are so sorry that no one, but your family remembered your birthday.  I guess in a way it is a sad lesson, but remember your family loves you very much.  I know that at 19 your friends are your world, but as you grow older you will realize the importance of your family.  Your mom and dad and siblings will always be there for you until the day of your passing.  Friends will come and go, but your loving family will always find a way to send you that goofy card and eat YOUR favorite birthday cake.  At 19 your friends are still focused on themselves.  Don't feel they mature.....the cards WILL be in the mail.  Finally, my answer to your question is....let it go.  Know your loved and wait til next year.  You and your friends will be a year older and if they truly are your friends, they will remember.  Dropping a few hints along the way will help.

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