
No one wants to live to be a hundred!?

by  |  earlier

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I don't think so... And you??




  1. I don't mind, as long as i can still comprehend life and i am not sickly.

  2. Why not?

    Why must one short-change one self from our creator's universal gifts of life?

    Genesis 6.3

    When one can still grow in time.

    In learning in finding our way home in honouring and worshiping God in time.

    Luke 21.30-33

    Instead of coming and passing-by in time as the has "bin" wasting one's life serving no good purpose for the good of mankind in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    what do you think?

  3. As long as I am sane and in resonable health and enjoying life then 100 or more is fine. But I would not like to be a burden on my family or society

  4. I, personally, wouldn't want to live that long. I've seen how the elderly can be treated and I don't like much of what I see. Life gets harder, I think, as you health deteriorates, you lose your friends and siblings. However, if I ever have children, then grandchildren, I might change my mind.

  5. You know, I'm not so sure about that

  6. I want to live for as long as my marbles do, whether that is 65 or 125

  7. You will change your  mind if you ever reach 99.

  8. I want to live to a ripe ole age.......whatever age that may be.  I will be happy with whatever age God chooses for me to be with him in heaven.

    I think that there are a lot of people who would love to live a long, happy and healthy life.  Isn't that the goal of life?

  9. I want to live to a hundred at least... so I must disagree with your statement.

  10. It is fully my intention to live to a hundred and a little beyond!

  11. my Nan was 104 when she died, she loved every minute of her life (both good and bad) and she had a huge party when she turned 100! xx

  12. Yes, I do..and then some. I chose living over dying any day.

  13. Depends what kind of position im in, but i rekon 100 is a bit far, i rekon past 90 it will go down hill big time. so maybe till 90

  14. i would because i cant bear thought of leaving my little boy behind on his own ! that sounds pathetic because he will grow up, but he will always be my baby boy ( he is 4 now )

  15. Are you serious? I plan on living far longer. Many scientists believe that with the current pace of medical technology its entirely plausible to believe that we will live to 150 in our lifetime, possible longer.

  16. Not if it meant i'd be disabled or senile !!!!!

  17. Of course everyone wants to live forever, but not everyone does -- live life for now, and hope that before you reach that 100 your true love will come along and at least you will have some happiness in your old age....

  18. I do.  I've known people who were glad they did and were active right up until the day they died and those that were ancient and ready to die at 70.  I'm hoping to be one of the former.

    If you still enjoy life, why not live to 100 - or more!

  19. well yeah you would be really disabled so yes

  20. nope. i wouldnt.

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