
No period for 6 weeks??

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My last period was just over 6 weeks ago, i have done 2 tests and am not pregnant either. i was just wondering if anyone might know what may have caused me to miss my period?? and or if it has happened to anyone else, thanku x




  1. It's probably just stress. Did you start a medication recently? I know when I have a cold, sometimes my period would be late(I'm on the pill now). Anyway, it's probably okay. You've got your appointment, so you should just relax until then, it may come before you get to see the doc, lol. Good luck!

  2. go see a doctor

  3. Women occasionally miss a period - without being pregnant. It's not usual, especially if you have a regular cycle, but not abnormal either.

    If you're not pregnant, you should get your next one approximately on schedule.

  4. if you lose too much weight my mom said that sometimes models get so skinny they stop getting their period

  5. that's happened to me about 3 times now, twice it happened because I got all stressed out the other time it just became irregular for no reason. If its not the first one, I have no clue

  6. Stress is the number one thing (in my opinion) that can cause a period to be irregular. Just calm down. Your period will come when it comes. Just wear a pantyliner in case it catches you by surprise and go on with your normal daily routine. You've already ruled out pregnancy, so don't worry about it :)

  7. It can be stress, depression, eating, activities...  

  8. it could be down to a change in diet i.e if you have gone a strict diet or starting eating really poorly. Or if you have started a new exercise regime or really stressed. I'd wait a couple more weeks and if you don't get it then i'd see you gp

  9. If your a teenager and haven't long started your periods, this can be perfectly normal for your cycle to be irregular for the first couple of years. Many factors can cause a period to be late, stress, weight loss etc.

  10. Stress and excerise can affect your menstral cycle. But if you already now that you're not pregnant, then stop worrying. It'll come. Just relax and continue to enjoy your summer.

  11. alot of things can cause your period not to come.If you are taking birth control that could be another reason. I am 34 weeks pregnant and I did 2 test at 4 weeks(no period) and they were  negative. I took 2 more test about 2 to 3 weeks later and I found out I was. So test again later on or get a blood test and they can tell you for sure. If your not pregnant talk to your health care provider about what may be going on.

  12. At least you took a test.

    I have gone through the same thing for the last two years. I go 2 months without a period.

    It sucks. If you're worried you can always try going on B.c. to help regulate your period. I've tried that but b.c. isn't right for me and I just deal with all the pms symptoms and everything else that comes with it.

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