
No period in 4 months....?

by  |  earlier

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And i'm not preggers [still a virgin]. Umm i went to the gyno n he said it was b/c i was *underweight* which i dont think i am...I'm 5'5 and 110 lbs..ok my question is...Theres girls who are way skinnier than me and they have no problem with their y the heck am i not getting it?? I refuse to gain weight so what else can i do??

Any advice...please!!! Thanks =]




  1. should be around 125...your body needs fat to produce sufficient estrogen...and amenorrhea (technical term for lack of period in post menarche person) could increase your risk of osteoporosis. It sounds to me like you may have a bit of an eating think some girls are "way skinnier" when you (at 5'5 and 110 ) are obviously underweight, and you flat out refuse to gain weight for the sake of your health.

    Looks like you're out of luck girl. Either you seek help or the problem with just escalate.

  2. well the docter says what the docter say i think the doc is right but mayby you could try to put on a few pound reli tho its no big deal!!!   hope this helped:D

  3. I would say you are underweight because I am 5'5" and if I weighed

    110 I'd look like a street urchin!  You may not be severely underweight,

    but you are a bit underweight.  Each girl's body is different -- those other girls' bodies might have no problems, but what matters right now is your body and your health.  Try to MAINTAIN your weight, not gain or lose, and your body should adjust.

  4. Ok, so i believe that the gyno is not always know your body better then anybody else, they just know by what you tell them, trust me im going through the same thing! I would say that your not underweight! and that your hormones are just a little out of whack and or you stopped ovulating, which happens to alot of girls! Ask them if there is any kinda pill that you can start to take that will help you get back on track! There are certain pills that they can give u that will help. Ur ok, nothing is really wrong....just a little delayed! lol  

  5. You  do seem slightly underweight.

    It could be that, or you might have cysts in your ovaries, or you might have a hormonal imbalance.

  6. There could be a number of reasons because of stress, not eating properly,etc. My cycle is irregular all the time. I can go months without having one. I guess there is nothing you can do about it because that is what women go through.  

  7. Did you suddenly lose weight? Usually after weight loss, a lot of weight loss, you'll lose your period. Watch what your eating, make sure you're getting a healthy amount of calories and fat (not necessarily bad fat, but you do need good fat). You could go to a different doctor to get a second opinion.

  8. The same thing happened to me but for 5 months. I got seriously paranoid and frustrated because it was such a guessing game. But it came eventually. I'm not underweight like you are but I'm an athlete and I think that's why it happened to me; because I run a lot and am constantly moving around.

    I'm actually the same height as you but 25 pounds heavier haha. I'm mostly all muscle really need to gain weight. And remember, gaining weight isn't gaining fat...lift some weights; you'll get stronger and hopefully everything will go back to normal.

    Also, how would you know that skinnier girls than you don't have this problem? That's an odd thing to know about other people....err....

    Oh, and never say preggers again. It makes me want to bash your face in with a phone book.

  9. Your actually just underweight.Personally I would gain weight(why refuse,so many women and young girls are bothered about there weight).You are classed as being underweight so it isn't healthy for you to lose weight.I'm lighter than you and have periods,why?Because i'm smaller than you.Your ideal weight is calculated by you height and weight not just your weight,so it wouldn't be healthy for a 5'11 tall women to be 7st but it's okay for a 5'0 tall woman to be.Also if you have just started your periods then it is normal to not have a period for months,because there irregular.Basically,gain weight and your period is likely to come,if not then just wait,if your sure your not pregnant.

    Hope I helped!

  10. Because not everyone's the same. Some people have different reactions to things. Not all obese people will have a heart attack, just like not all skinny people will have the same health problems.

    You have a major problem!! Your desire to be thin is compromising your health and not just for the next couple months. You could be destroying your body for LIFE. Listen to your doctor!! You're willing to destroy yourself because of a number on a scale? That's really sad. Really really sad, and I truly hope you get some help. You need to talk to a therapist about this. The evidence is right in front of you. Not getting a period for 4 months is a big, big deal.

    The biggest thing I wish I could get younger people to understand is that every single thing you do is life-changing.  

  11. Your gyno was most likely right. You probably don't have enough body fat to keep your period. So what if there are girls skinnier than you that don't have a problem? They don't have the same body as you do. And 110 lbs at 5'5 is underweight, even if you don't think so. Its not about your opinion, its about what your body needs in order to work properly.  

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